Easy but so effective. This is what I decided to wear last Saturday for the Bloggers Night at "La Bussola". The undisputed star of the outfit is definitely the swag necklace, when I saw it I immediatly fell in love. The shoes that you see are my Zipz that you have already seen them in my previous post, thanks to the zip I changed it in two seconds, super comfortable for traveling, especially if you need to pack a small luggage. The photos were taken in the hall of our hotel, I find that the strong furniture matches so well with my simple look.
Easy but so effective. This is what I decided to wear last Saturday for the Bloggers Night at "La Bussola". The undisputed star of the outfit is definitely the swag necklace, when I saw it I immediatly fell in love. The shoes that you see are my Zipz that you have already seen them in my previous post, thanks to the zip I changed it in two seconds, super comfortable for traveling, especially if you need to pack a small luggage. The photos were taken in the hall of our hotel, I find that the strong furniture matches so well with my simple look.
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