location: Montreal, Canada
photographer: Giacomo
period: september 2012
Eccoci pronti per la seconda tappa del nostro Canada one-week-tour: Montreal. Un ambiente ben diverso da quello di Toronto, che vi faremo scoprire passo a passo. Per iniziare, un photopost, come se passaste attraverso la città e ne sbirciaste la vita dal finestrino del pullmann (mezzo con cui sono è arrivato in città). E poi vi racconteremo per bene. Pronti per un altro salto oltreoceano?
We are ready for the second step of our Canada one-week-tour: Montreal. An environment very different from that of Toronto, that you will discover step by step. To start, a PhotoPost, as if you were touring through the city and you were browsing its life from the window of the bus (the means of transport by which I arrived in town). And then we'll tell you right. Ready for another jump overseas?

location: Montreal, Canada
photographer: Giacomo
period: september 2012
Partenza da Toronto a mezzanotte (circa). E con la notte passata in bus si giunge finalmente in Quebec! Certo, il viaggio può essere intrapreso in modo molto più comodo: ci sono voli e treni che collegano Toronto a Montreal senza problemi, non fosse che è tutto davvero troppo costoso - per chi cerca di mettere lo spirito 'lowcost' davanti a tutto. E quindi non resta che prenotare online il vostro bus su http://www.megabus.com/ e trovare una posizione comoda sul vostro sedile!
Departure from Toronto at midnight (approximately). And with the night spent in bus finally you'll arrive in Quebec! Of course, the journey can be undertaken in a much more confortable way: there are flights and trains connecting Toronto to Montreal without any problems, not that it's all just too expensive - for those who's looking to put the spirit 'lowcost' in front of everything. And then you just have to search and book your bus on http://www.megabus.com/ and find a comfortable position on your seat!

location: Montreal, Canada
photographer: Giacomo
period: september 2012
Montreal, mi è piaciuta molto più di Toronto (in generale, mi sono trovato meglio in Quebec). Ci sono altri colori, un'altra aria, altri profumi, un'altra vivibilità. Insomma non a caso è la città di Leonard Choen (di cui io e Costanza siamo grandi estimatori) ;)
I liked Montreal much more than Toronto (in general, I found Quebec better than the rest). There are other colors, other air, other perfumes, another livability. So in fact it is the city of Leonard Choen (of which Constanza and I are big fans) ;)

location: Montreal, Canada
photographer: Giacomo
period: september 2012

location: Montreal, Canada
photographer: Giacomo
period: september 2012

location: Montreal, Canada
photographer: Giacomo
period: september 2012

location: Montreal, Canada
photographer: Giacomo
period: september 2012

location: Montreal, Canada
photographer: Giacomo
period: september 2012

location: Montreal, Canada
photographer: Giacomo
period: september 2012

location: Montreal, Canada
photographer: Giacomo
period: september 2012

location: Montreal, Canada
photographer: Giacomo
period: september 2012

location: Montreal, Canada
photographer: Giacomo
period: september 2012

location: Montreal, Canada
photographer: Giacomo
period: september 2012
Questo primo sguardo vi basti per rimanerne incuriositi.
Presto nuovi dettagli!!
I hope this first glance was enough to stay curious.Soon new details!
C & G