Commentiamo insieme i suoi look??
Goodmorning girls! Today I talk about the 65th edition of Cannes Film Festival! I've looked for lots of looks and I don't like the most part of them; personalities I loved ther look have been Freida Pinto and Jessica Chestain (I'll talk about them in my next posts) and I was impressed by Diane Kruger. I've changed my opinion about her, infact when I wrote this post I didn't like her, but in this Cannes Festival she left me without breath with her wonderful face and her dreaming dresses!
Would you like to comment on her looks??
Abito Vivienne Westwood molto ma molto carino che le dona tremendamente; forse avrebbe dovuto indossare un altro tipo di sandali tuttavia non stonano poi tanto! Make-up molto semplice ed elegante e acconciatura idem, mi piace perchè nonostante lasci spazio alla fronte, non la evidenzia troppo come invece è successo durante il Venice Film Festival (di cui vi ho lasciato il link sopra) e non lascia scoperte le orecchie!
Very very nice Vivienne Westwood dress; I would prefer another kind of sandals but they aren't so ugly! Very simple and elegant make-up and hairstyle!
Calvin Klein dress, I don't know shoes and clutch's brands! I love her hairstyle and dress but I preferred it less large and I don't appreciate the fact she showed off her breasts.
W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L. There is nothing else to tell.
She has worn this Versus dress for a Cocktail party and she left me disappointed: ugly hair , ugly dress, ugly earring. Only shoes and make-up are good!
I prossimi abiti indossati sui red carpet però ci aiuteranno a perdonarla!
The next dresses worn on red carpet are going us to excuse her!