Magazine Diario personale

Chicks and the country

Creato il 25 marzo 2010 da Ioleinfashion

Secondo tentativo di diventare famosa: sfatare il falso mito, che le ragazze attente alla moda siano tutte oche senza cervello e galline pettegole….
anche perché vi svelo un segreto a me le galline stanno tanto simpatiche….

Second attempt to become famous: dispelling the myth that fashion conscious girls are all brainless geese and chickens without a head ….

even because I’ve got to tell you a secret chickens are so cute to me…

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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Untitled from iole on Vimeo.

wearing: zara shirt, H&M skirt, benetton boots, gallo socks

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