Continua insorabile la moria dei siti di File Hosting, dopo i vari MegaUpload, MegaVideo, FileSonic oggi è il turno di Wupload che chiude i battenti al File Sharing.
Con un messaggio sulla propria Home Page, Wupload annuncia la chiusura definitiva del servizio di Hosting e indicando che è solo possibile Scaricare i file ma non è possibile fare l’upload di altri File sui loro server.
La mossa di Wupload viene il giorno dopo l’annuncio da parte di MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) di intraprendere ulteriori azioni legali contro i primi 5 Cyberlocker di Internet, Wupload, Putlocker, Depositfiles, Fileserve, Mediafire.
Mentre i vertici di Mediafile tramite Tom Langridge, uno dei Co-Fondatori del famoso sito di File Hosting, annunciano di aver sempre rispettato le leggi e di aver rimosso i contenuti illegali se richiesti esplicitamente dagli aventi diritto:
MediaFire is not operated by an outlaw gang; we are in fact a group of reputable entrepreneurs with diverse backgrounds who have a history of building innovative and valuable websites and technologies. Over the last several years, we have been focused on releasing numerous updates to MediaFire’s professional and business services. For example, just in the last month we launched our document viewing system and rebuilt our image system – not the kind of features that incentivize illegal activity.
Unlike the other sites on Paramount’s list (including MegaUpload), MediaFire doesn’t artificially construct download limitations (speed, number of downloads, size, etc.) in order to drive subscriptions nor have we ever paid users to upload content. Our premium customers get the same transfer rates, servers, and resuming capabilities as our free customers. Our paid services enhance the feature set that is most relevant to professional and business customers like usage statistics, custom branding tools, and multi-seat accounts.
MediaFire cooperates fully with the MPAA, RIAA, and various other organizations who work to identify and prohibit the distribution of copyrighted content. We have a variety of advanced automated systems designed to detect violations to our Terms of Service and automatically warn and terminate users.
Many of these systems were updated, extended, and enhanced to deal with abuse stemming from unscrupulous users looking for a new venue following the shutdown of MegaUpload. These enhancements have received rave reviews from organizations monitoring copyrighted content.
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Inviato il 05 aprile a 14:38
spero che sia il turno del f.b.i :-)