In the last winter, the first signs. Now is evident: the combat boots are back in the spotlight, no longer relegated to the wardrobe of new punks and grungy nostalgics, they are the protagonists of the street. Seen wore by lovely and girly ladies like as the red Swedish of these photos.
I've always been charmed by this kind of shoes, so I took advantage of my little Swedish vacation and I immediately bought this pair from Urban Outfitters. As an alternative to the classic model inspired by the original boots of American soldiers, this version is a little bit more british and polished, decorated with leather fringes . Another possibility are the legendary Dr. Martens. The brand offers now a huge range of particolar models, such as the one with a pattern inspired by vintage wallpaper.Do you love combat or not?
Io, da sempre facile preda del loro fascino, ho approfittato della mia breve vacanza nella capitale svedese per procurarmene subito un paio da Urban Outfitters.
Alternativa al classico modello ispirato agli originali boots dei soldati americani, questa variante è un po' più british e lavorata, decorata con frange in pelle tono su tono.
Altra possibilità, i mitici Dr. Martens, che propongono oggi anche modelli dalle fantasie insolite ed accattivanti, come quello ispirato alle stampe della carta da parati degli anni 40.
E a voi piacciono gli anfibi?