I should make a speech summing up my last month of activity in the world of design, but now I do not have much time, nor, frankly, the strength, both for the examination of 27, and for the last hours spentdrawing to an end a drawing contest for Deviantart, so I just let the pictures speak and then, soon as I can breathe and be with you, I will be chattering over, I promise.
Il lavoro 'finito' (domenica lo riguardo dopo due giorni di lontananza e lo ultimo - però, già adesso, il lupo non sembra più un coyote spelacchiato)
Vi piace il nuovo Watermark (la firma in basso a destra per chi non lo sapesse:])?
The work 'finished' (on the Sunday after two days of distance and the last - though, even now, the wolf looks more like a mangy coyote)
Do you like my new Watermark (signature at the bottom right for those who do not know :])?

e il nuovo, anche se ora sto lavorando a qualcosa per Halloween, ma saprete tutto quando sarà definitivo. _and the new work - now I'm working on something for Halloween, but you'll know when everything is final.

Love, Pique Dame