Comunque senza imposizioni o regole di bon ton, parlando di bomboniere in questi tempi si può anche chiudere un'occhio ma per quanto riguarda i confetti, non si transige...
bando alle mode, devono essere con la mandorla intera, pelata e ricoperti da una finissima glassatura bianca...Not everyone loves favor, but it could be consider a kind act to your guests, a small object to thank them for sharing with you an important day. Favors should be nice, cost little, suitable for everyone and possibly ordinary.However, without coercion or rules of etiquette, in these times favors could be avoided but confetti still remain a must for the wedding. They have to be with the whole and peeled almond and covered with a fine white glaze ...
Ai vostri ospiti regalate una compilation di musica lounge per magici momenti di relax con un'incarto personalizzato.
Give to your guests a compilation of lounge music for magical relaxing moments with a customized package.
Custom paper bags: with the printer you create a drawing, a phrase, or simply a stamp with the initials of the bride and groom.
Your initials impress on the wax: a stratagem used for wedding cards, for the menu, for wedding favors, for the rice cones, for the placeholders, ... everything made of paper.
Do you like doilies?? use them to decorate the confetti bag.
As an alternative, you can use paper to decorate confetti bag,
or organza flowers.
If you decide to give items for home, here are some ideas.
Old spoons turned into chubby little fish: a very attractive object to hang.
A matches-holder,
or shabby chic home decorations.
Perfumed country-style little sacks made of fancy cotton.
Fruit juice bottles, yoghurt pots and jars of peeled magically transformed,
And finally, Coke bottles that become flowers vases. How?? With acrylic paint diluted with water. Pour it in and gently turn the bottle, making sure that the paint fits perfectly.
photo by pinterest