Magazine Lifestyle

Cool DIY ring with fringes!

Creato il 23 aprile 2014 da Themorasmoothie @themorasmoothie
diyblog, diyblogger, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, fashionblogger, ring, jewelry, themorasmoothie, diyfashion, diycraft, diyproject, craft, DIY, diyjewelry, anello, faidate anello, anelloveloce, do it yourself, lifestyle, lifestyleblog
Hi there! 
Do you remember the outfit with my DIY ring with fringes seen here
Today I'm going to post you the tutorial, super easy and fast, about a ring as the trend fringes of the moment.
Time: 5 min. 
Essential: ring base, tweezers, silver chain and golden chain. 
Tutorial: I hooked to the circles of the ring the chains, making a game of lengths in growing with a mesh of difference, I then applied on the circle on the opposite side of the ring the golden chain, to create a contrast. 
The ring is ready to be worn, do you like it? 
A big kiss

Ciao a tutti!
Vi ricordate l'outfit con il mio anello DIY con le frange visto qui?
Oggi vi posto il tutorial, super semplice e veloce, un'anello in linea con la tendenza frange del momento.
Tempo: 5 min.
Necessario: base anello, pinze, catena argento e catena oro.
Tutorial: Ho agganciato ai cerchi dell'anello le catene, facendo un gioco di lunghezze in crescendo con una maglia di differenza, ho poi applicato al cerchio sul lato opposto dell'anello la catena oro, per creare un contrasto.
L'anello è pronto per essere indossato, vi piace?
Un bacio grande

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diyblog, diyblogger, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, fashionblogger, ring, jewelry, themorasmoothie, diyfashion, diycraft, diyproject, craft, DIY, diyjewelry, anello, faidate anello, anelloveloce, do it yourself, lifestyle, lifestyleblog
diyblog, diyblogger, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, fashionblogger, ring, jewelry, themorasmoothie, diyfashion, diycraft, diyproject, craft, DIY, diyjewelry, anello, faidate anello, anelloveloce, do it yourself, lifestyle, lifestyleblog
diyblog, diyblogger, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, fashionblogger, ring, jewelry, themorasmoothie, diyfashion, diycraft, diyproject, craft, DIY, diyjewelry, anello, faidate anello, anelloveloce, do it yourself, lifestyle, lifestyleblog
diyblog, diyblogger, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, fashionblogger, ring, jewelry, themorasmoothie, diyfashion, diycraft, diyproject, craft, DIY, diyjewelry, anello, faidate anello, anelloveloce, do it yourself, lifestyle, lifestyleblog
diyblog, diyblogger, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, fashionblogger, ring, jewelry, themorasmoothie, diyfashion, diycraft, diyproject, craft, DIY, diyjewelry, anello, faidate anello, anelloveloce, do it yourself, lifestyle, lifestyleblog

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