“Blorking is like Twitter but without the company in the middle of it. It’s an open Twitter.”Quindi Blorking è qualcosa di nuovo, un nuovo social, meno azienda e più aperto. E perchè si sente il bisogno di un nuovo social o qualunque cosa sia? Perchè
“Twitter is mostly about ‘grunting and snorting’ but it could be much more”
Some people complain that mostonline conversationsare shalow. I’m just afraid that most conversations are shallow.risponde
Absolutely. But there is a Picasso or a Hemingway out there who can make beautiful art in this medium. Who can inspire us. Who can show us who we are, through this medium. We have to think about tools for that person, not just for the average person.
Dave Winer
E come si fa a creare strumenti per i vari Picasso ed Hemingway?To get a few ideas and maybe even some really good ones. To stretch our minds together and maybe to figure out what we can do together. I’m also going to talk about “blorking”.E così nasce l'idea di blorking.
No, it’s like what twitter does but without the big company in the middle. I haven’t written about that onScripting.comyet, but I will before I’ll arrive in Amsterdam.
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TNW -2