After my first interview with Elisa by "Rock 'n Roll stops the traffic", I asked myself what Elisa asked me and I've been inspired to write this entry, I hope you'll find it useful.
Elisa, as creative who wants to approach to scrapbooking, asked me what materials she needs to start.
This is my opinion about what a newbie scrapper couldn't be in lack of to create basic layouts and cards, let's call if a sort of "scrapper case" which I'd gladly patent.

- BAZZILL BASICS: carte a tinta unita ~ plain color papers;
- PATTERNED PAPERS: carte con motivi vari ~ papers with various subjects;
- MOUNTING SQUARES: quadrati adesivi per foto, carte ed abbellimenti ~ adhesive squares for photos, papers and embellishments;
- THICKERS FOAM ALPHABETS: alfabeti 3D per titoli ~ 3D alphabets for titles;
- PUNCHES: perforatori con varie figure per abbellimenti e tags ~ punches with various silhouettes for embellishments and tags;
- BLACK PENS: per journaling ~ for journaling.
La lista sovrastante mi sembra il minimo indispensabile per iniziare, tutto il resto forse è superfluo anche se, una volta che ci si guarda in giro nelle fiere e nei negozi, è molto difficile lasciare gli altri bellissimi materiali dove sono!Voi aggiungereste qualcosa alla lista?
The above list is the essential to me to start, all the rest is maybe unnecessary even if, once you look around in trade fairs and in shops, it's very hard to leave those beautiful materials where they're!Would you add something to the list?