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Darksiders 2 : annunciata una seconda pesante patch

Da Notizieplaystation @Notizie_PS
Darksiders 2 : annunciata una seconda pesante patchI problemi del pur ottimo action/adventure di Vigil Games a quanto pare non sono risolti del tutto :
Non si spiega altrimenti l'annuncio di un secondo importante update previsto prossimamente, che modificherà parecchie cose e sistemerà molti bug sparsi. La patch inoltre potrebbe (condizionale d'obbligo) indurre a ricominciare una nuova partita, ma la software house ha dichiarato che si tratta di problemi isolati.
Di seguito potete consultare il log completo in lingua inglese :
  • The Undead Scarabs will no longer continue to spawn without end when Death continues to enter and exit the room with the circular platform covered in corruption in the BlackStone.
  • You will no longer fall out of the world in boss fights within Argul’s Tomb
  • A few bugs that would cause a crash within the UI have been resolved.The Wailing Host will enjoy Jesper Kyd’s scores of music for the entire duration of the fight.
  • Shoving the construct ball will no longer cause it to disappear when it hits a wall after rolling it through the Skeleton Key door in the room with the second Heartstone in the Foundry.
  • Within the Psychameron failing the 3 switch puzzle multiple times will no longer penalize you with it not working properly.
  • Your construct will no longer get stuck after properly pulling off combo’s on enemies near the edge of bridges within the Foundry.
  • You will now properly be able to run the cutscene when returning to Earth with the Rod of Arafel in Lostlight.
  • On Earth we fixed multiple barriers within the world and they will now properly activate and deactivate based on your quest progression.
  • You should properly get credit for saving the Angels on Earth regardless if you turned off the game during the save sequence.
  • Your Armblade attack will no longer one shot Samael while he is relaxing on his throne.
  • Death should now properly receive the Soul Splitter in the Spine.
  • Unstoppable and Aegis Guard cool down will now properly trigger when saving and reloading.
  • While in Reaper form the construct balls will no longer get stuck in midair.
  • Karn will now pick up the 2nd heartstone even if you leave the room to quickly within The Foundry
  • Within the Scar we fixed issues where the crystal was not restored if it was saved as being destroyed and progression issues around only one crystal being destroyed.
  • The Lilith cutscene will now allow you to continue without freezing.
  • In the Gilded Arena the third rotating statue will no longer stop functioning as intended if you Fast Travel away from it.
  • You will now get proper credit for killing all the bloodless.
  • You should now receive the appropriate tarot cards if you have qualified for them.
  • The gate will no longer stay up if you die during the Wailing Host boss fight in the City of the Dead.
  • The main quest ‘The Lord of Bones’ will now properly appear after the Tree of Life cinematic.
  • Death will be able to properly progress in the Psychameron.
  • The Gate will now drop properly after defeating Stalker/Prowler gauntlet in The Lost Temple.
  • Death will now spawn on the proper side of the lava after the 2 Rotary Switch puzzle in The Scar when you die.
  • Other miscellaneous bug fixes and game stability improvements have been applied.

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