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Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...

Creato il 09 ottobre 2012 da Thinkshabby @ThinkShabby
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby... 
Buon Compleanno Think Shabby!!! Avete letto bene, il mio blog oggi compie tre anni e non ci posso credere!!! Ormai è parte di me, aggiornarlo, curarlo, leggere i vostri commenti... ... grazie a tutti voi che mi seguite con affetto, grazie a tutte le nuove amicizie che mi ha regalato, grazie a tutte le nuove esperienze intraprese... ... non ho parole per festeggiare questo mio nido virtuale... ....!!! Quindi ho pensato di festeggiarlo con un party in stile circus...cosa ne dite?
Think Shabby Happy Birthday!
You read that right, my blog today is three and I can not believe it!
Now it's part of me, update it, treat it, read your comments ...
thanks to all of you who follow me with affection, thanks to all the new friends he gave me,
thanks to all the new experiences undertaken ...
I have no words to celebrate this my nest virtual ...
So I decided to celebrate with a party-style circus ... what do you think?

Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Volete anche voi realizzare un party per i vostri bimbi su questo stile?? Bene anche questo martedì DECOCHIC ha pensato a voi... ... guardate qui, c'è tutto l'occorrente per un party allegro e molto rosso!!!
 You also want to make a party for your children on this style?
Well even this Tuesday Decochic thought of you ...
look here, there is everything you need for a party cheerful and very red!

Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby...
Decochic Time: Happy Birthday Think Shabby... piace l'idea? Think Shabby ne sarebbe contento? Grazie davvero a tutti voi che avete fatto crescere questo blog e l'avete fatto diventare  quello che è, siete parte di Think Shabby!!! Buona giornata!!!
So ... you like the idea?
Think Shabby would be happy?
Thank you so much to all of you who have grown this blog and you did it become what it is,
Think you are part of Shabby!
Have a nice day!

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