E’ morto Gus, l’ orso-icona di Central Park ( New York ), sotto i ferri del chirurgo all’ età di 27 anni, la sua morte ha commosso tutti, grandi e piccoli.
Era diventato famoso negli anni 90 perché si era sottoposto a delle sedute di psicoanalisi per uscire dalla depressione in cui era caduto; che gli impediva di giocare con Ida e Lilly, sue compagne di vasca, forse causata dalla vita in cattività. Dopo ben otto anni di psicoanalisi si era completamente ristabilito.
Le nostre più sincere condoglianze.
Gus was died
Gus was died, he wasthe bear-icon of Central Park (New York), under the surgeon’s knife to’ age of 27, his death shocked everyone, big and small.
He became famous in the 90s because it was subjected to sessions of psychoanalysis to get out of depression into which he had fallen, which prevented him from playing with Ida and Lilly, her fellow bathtub, possibly caused by life in captivity. After eight years of psychoanalysis was completely restored.
Our most sincere condolences.