Magazine Lifestyle

event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato

Creato il 02 maggio 2010 da Valentinas

event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiatoè il primo evento a cui partecipo e devo dire che è una bella prova, dato che non è una tematica semplicissima. allora ho deciso che il modo migliore per dare il mio contributo fosse prendere in considerazione la canzone che io considerò in assoluto una delle più belle, prendere in mano una penna e carta da schizzo e cercare di dare senso ai miei pensieri e alle mie emozioni in merito..
le fotografie sono quasi tutte scattate dal mio amore che ringrazio e a cui dedico la canzone..

this was the first event in which I participate and I must say that it is a good test since he is not a simple issue. then, I decided that the best way to give my contribution was to consider the song that I ever considered one of the best, pick up a pen and paper sketch and try to give meaning to my thoughts and my emotions.. 
the photographs are almost all taken from my love that i thanks and I dedicate to him this song..

event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato
event MUSIC&FILMS; by Italian Fashion Bloggers -- LA CURA - Franco Battiato

BLOG PER INIZIATIVA "MUSIC & FILM" 2 MAGGIO 2010 http://hautecoutureestmort.blogspot.comhttp://www.thegummysweet.com

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