Torniamo a noi e aggiorniamo come si deve questo blog. Ieri mattina, come ogni sabato mattina è di mio gradimento fare un giro in centro, ma questa volta nel tornare a casa tra le mani avevo qualcosa che desideravo da tempo : Ray Ban Wayfarer tartarugati. Un vero ever green ;)
I note with great sorrow that never get comments, I would like to know what's wrong From the girls / the give me a hand to make this a better blog-fashion tips:) I would like to help me consigliaste a good book to read, maybe something related to a new beginning, I really need it!
Let's get back to us and how you should update this blog Yesterday morning, like every Saturday morning to my liking for a ride downtown, but this time back home in my hands I had something I wanted for some time: Ray Ban Wayfarer Tortoise. A true evergreen;)

Love, Meri.