Yesterday finally my cross necklace is arrived! I bought it from Wholesale-dress, a chinese site that sells clothing and accessories wholesale. That was my first order because i firs wanted to see how the service would be and how my order would arrive. Well, i chose the slow shipping method because it costs less (i'm lucchese shah xD) and in 30-50 it should arrive. And so it was! My cross was as i have thought so I'm so happy! I think that this site is so good for accessories and bags but not for clothes. Go to see the site and let me know your experience! (; Now i look forward to wear this necklace! *_*
Magazine Lifestyle
Ieri è finalmente arrivato il mio pacchetto che avevo ordinato da Wholesale-Dress, un sito cinese che vende capi d'abbigliamento e accessori all'ingrosso. E' stato il mio primo ordine da questo sito e quindi ho deciso di prendere una cosa piccola (e di spenderci poco) per vedere come sarebbe stato il servizio e come sarebbe arrivar il pacco per poi, magari, comprarci altro in futuro. Beh il pacco è arrivato dopo i tot di giorni prestabiliti (cioè dopo 30-50 giorni perché ho scelto le spedizioni più lente per risparmiare - da brava tirchia lucchese ahah! XD) e il pacco è completamente integro e la collana proprio come me l'immaginavo!
Insomma secondo me se uno vuole comprare vestiti forse non è il sito migliore (ho letto alcune recensioni che lo sconsigliavano!!) ma per la bigiotteria, i piccoli accessori e le borse - plasticose - allora Wholesale-dress è un buonissimo sito cinese che offre cose molto carine a bassissimo costo! Insomma, andateci a dare un occhiata e poi fatemi sapere! (; Intanto io non vedo l'ora di indossare questa bella collanina! *_*
Yesterday finally my cross necklace is arrived! I bought it from Wholesale-dress, a chinese site that sells clothing and accessories wholesale. That was my first order because i firs wanted to see how the service would be and how my order would arrive. Well, i chose the slow shipping method because it costs less (i'm lucchese shah xD) and in 30-50 it should arrive. And so it was! My cross was as i have thought so I'm so happy! I think that this site is so good for accessories and bags but not for clothes. Go to see the site and let me know your experience! (; Now i look forward to wear this necklace! *_*
Yesterday finally my cross necklace is arrived! I bought it from Wholesale-dress, a chinese site that sells clothing and accessories wholesale. That was my first order because i firs wanted to see how the service would be and how my order would arrive. Well, i chose the slow shipping method because it costs less (i'm lucchese shah xD) and in 30-50 it should arrive. And so it was! My cross was as i have thought so I'm so happy! I think that this site is so good for accessories and bags but not for clothes. Go to see the site and let me know your experience! (; Now i look forward to wear this necklace! *_*