Magazine Tecnologia

From Dust : lista trofei

Creato il 08 settembre 2011 da Notizieplaystation @Notizie_PS
From Dust : lista trofeiL'interessantissimo gestionale in tempo reale, che strizza l'occhio decisamente al più famoso Popolous, ha la sua lista trofei ufficiale.
Sono i classici 12 premi previsti per la stragrande maggioranza dei giochi Psn, dove From Dust troverà giusta collocazione la prossima settimana (salvo imprevisti). Eccoveli :
From Dust : lista trofei
  • Amazon-Uproot and replant 100 trees during the game.
  • Exhaling-Create the Breath of the elements.
  • Hell-Complete the Wildfire territory.
  • Krakatoa-Absorb a massive amount of lava during the game.
  • Powermonger-Use the powers of the Breath 100 times.
  • Safe journey-Finish the story mode without losing more than 5 villages.
  • The end of our journey-Complete the Movements territory.

From Dust : lista trofei
  • Gauntlet-Complete every challenge.
  • Green thumb-Cover each map with vegetation.
  • Memories found-Complete the Memory of the tribe.
  • Sanctuary-Create a sanctuary for the tribe.

From Dust : lista trofei
  • Last Breath-Complete every challenge, every territory, the Memory and every secondary objective.

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