Magazine Lifestyle

F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks

Creato il 25 settembre 2013 da Silverstar

F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
Se quest'estate abbiamo assistito al ritorno dei quadretti, quest' inverno li vedremo addirittura trionfare su gonne, cappotti e camicie, soprattutto nella classica texture scozzese, il Tartan
La fantasia a scacchi ha dominato le passerelle della prossima stagione davvero in tutte le sue varianti e declinazioni.
Dalla classica versione preppy da adolescente alle prese con il ritorno a scuola, a quella di chiara ispirazione grunge (ma superchic) con tanto di richiamo a Seattle, ai Nirvana, ed alla X Generation con i camicioni di flanella, i jeans consumati e gli anfibi ai piedi,fino alle variazioni più sofisticate dal sapore Dandy.
Ma non solo, i quadretti sono stati esplorati un pò in tutte le loro combinazioni, dal classico check in bianco e nero, ai rombi da golfista, al quadrettato vichy (di solito riservato alla stagione estiva), fino ai pattern più fantasiosi: insomma ce ne sarà davvero per tutti i gusti!

If in the last summer we witnessed the return of checks, this' winter we will see them triumph over skirts, coats and shirts, especially in the classic Scottish texture, the Tartan

Check pattern has dominated the catwalks for next season in all its varieties and forms.
From the classic preppy version, inspired by teenagers struggling with the return to school, to that clearly inspired to the grunge style (but super chic) that refer to Seattle, Nirvana, and the X Generation with flannel shirts, worn jeans and Dc Martens, to the more sophisticated variations with  Dandy flavor.
But that's not enough: checks have been explored in all their combinations, from classic white and black chess, to diamonds from the golfer sweaters, to gingham (usually reserved for summer), to the more fanciful patterns: in short, for sure there it will be something for every taste!
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks
F/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks neutralsF/W 2013-14 fashion trends: checks

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