Magazine Altri Sport
Finally succeed in update the blog after days of problems!Last weekend we have gone to Genoa Nervi, invitated by the local Canoaverde sea kayak club, to propose a Greenland roll session.We've met again in the water with 5 kayakers and with the Petrucci family, pride of the Italian sea kayak movement: mother, father and two sons of 13 and 10 years, Loris and Elia, each on them with their own kayak and with a big desire to discover all the secrets of the most complicated and amusing manoeuvre of the sea kayak.As always, the boys are fast in learning and executing, but this time Loris has left dumbfounded all of us for his perfect balance brace. And his little brother Elia has tried a lot of acrobatic maneuvers! It was a very exciting week-end indeed!Enriched by a significant event: I had lost my paddle, left somewhere in the small beach of the little harbour, crowded of swimmers and children. Because of my incipient senile dotage, I've not idea about where I had forgotten it until when, came back home, I've finally re-viewed the pictures to realize... I started to despair to be able to recover my beautiful Nuuk from Lefkada 2009. But Giulio, Luisella and Massimo, that have moved seas and mountains to find it, gave me the news: the paddle has been found and delivered to one of the canoe and kayak clubs of Genoa Nervi! And above all, thanks to the solidarity and collaboration of the local paddlers, it has also been delivered to the shop of Tiziana, who has placed it near the kayak of Luisella, who will bring it to me the next weekend! What big beautiful world, the Italian kayak world, isn't it?!?Thanks to everybody form the deep of my hearth for the emotion of the course and the delivery of the paddle!!!
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