Nikolas Gambaroff, Untitled, 2011, Newsprint, acrylic, and alumalite panel, 30 x 15 x 15 inch, 76,2 x 38,1 x 38,1 cm
Galleria GIO MARCONI Nikolas Gambaroff – Quality Interiors. Inaugura a Milano presso la galleria d’arte contemporanea Giò Marconi (MAPPA) la prima mostra personale dell’artista tedesco Nikolas Gambaroff: venerdì 5 aprile 2013, dalle 19 alle 21. L’esposizione Quality Interiors dedicata a Gambaroff proseguirà fino al 18 maggio. Occasione imperdibile per scoprire uno dei luoghi d’arte più selezionati e attivi di Milano – spazi che comprendono Giò Marconi e Fondazione Marconi e Studio Marconi ’65 di Giorgio Marconi – anche per chi si trovi a passare in città le giornate legate al design del Salone del Mobile 2013 e degli eventi Fuorisalone (da martedì 9 a domenica 14 aprile). Gambaroff si concentra soprattutto sulla pratica della pittura, interrogandosi su quale possa essere il suo significato oggi, studiando, esaminando e rivalutando il suo ruolo all’interno della cultura visiva contemporanea. Le tradizioni, le aspettative e i miti che la pittura porta con sé sono analizzati dall’artista attraverso l’utilizzo di tecniche classiche e più recenti. >>
Nikolas Gambaroff, Untitled, 2012, acrylic and newsprint on canvas, acrylic and ink on wood, 49 x 37 x 4 inch, 124,5 x 94 x 10,2 cm
Oggetti di uso comune e le notizie che ci vengono presentate ogni giorno dai giornali sono gli elementi principali delle sue opere. Quotidiani, copertine di riviste di moda, pubblicità sono unite e sovrapposte tra loro attraverso pennellate con la forma di segni grafici o di linee in corsivo. Con questo gesto, privo di significato, Gambaroff rimuove parte degli strati di carta: mescolando frammenti di immagini, di parole e colori, l’artista gioca con il linguaggio dei mass-media.
Gambaroff affianca alle sue tele oggetti estranei alle consuete pratiche pittoriche – sgabelli, scaffali e altri utensili domestici – creando così assemblage dove la pittura sconfina e si fonde con la scultura.
Al centro della sua riflessione c’è anche il problema del contesto, inteso sia in termini architettonici che a livello teorico. L’allestimento inevitabilmente verrà sempre condizionato dal pubblico e dai suoi movimenti all’interno dello spazio espositivo. Gli spettatori adotteranno punti di vista originali, che daranno vita a nuove composizioni e significati. Questo permette all’opera di ampliarsi non solo a livello di senso, ma anche quasi materialmente, come oggetto che si allontana dalla sua collocazione e dal suo scopo originale.
Nikolas Gambaroff, Untitled, 2011, Rug, newsprint, acrylic, aluminate panel and glazed ceramic plates, dimensions variable
Per la sua mostra alla galleria Giò Marconi Gambaroff utilizzerà l’intero spazio della galleria e presenterà lavori pittorici e scultorei realizzati appositamente per l’occasione.
Nikolas Gambaroff è nato in Germania nel 1979, ha studiato all’Universität der Künste a Berlino e nel 2007 al Bard College MFA di New York. Attualmente vive e lavora a New York.
Tra le sue recenti personali: Tools for Living, Overduin and Kite, Los Angeles (2012); I am Real Estate, The Power Station, Dallas (2012); Bodycard Testimonials (with Ei Arakawa), Galerie Meyer Kainer, Vienna (2012); Male Fantasies, White Cube, London (2011); Der Herrische Saügling, Balice Hertling, Paris (2011); Time is Brain, New Jerseyy, Basel (2010); Two-Alphabet Monograms (with Ei Arakawa), Pro Choice, Vienna (2009).
Inoltre il suo lavoro è stato presentato all’interno di diverse mostre collettive, tra le ultime: Ecstatic Alphabets/Heaps of Language, Museum of Modern Art, New York (2012); Art and Press, ZKM, Karlsruhe (2012); Pamela Rosenkranz and Nikolas Gambaroff: This Is Not My Color / The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, The Swiss Institute, New York (2011); Eight Posses (HENXGRYK) and a Monogram (with Ei Arakawa), Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (2011); Nikolas Gambaroff, Michael Krebber, R. H. Quaytman, Blake Rayne, Kunsthalle Bergen, Bergen, (2010); Non Solo, Non Group Show, Künsthalle Zürich, Zürich (2009).
Nikolas Gambaroff, Untitled, 2011, paper and acrylic on honeycomb paper board, 61 x 30,6 cm
Nikolas Gambaroff Quality Interiors
la prima mostra personale dell’artista tedesco Nikolas Gambaroff
Inaugurazione: venerdì 5 aprile 2013, dalle 19 alle 21 - Dal 6 aprile al 18 maggio 2013
Dal martedì al sabato 10-13, 15-19. Per ricevere informazioni e immagini della mostra inviare richieste a: [email protected].
Galleria GIO MARCONI -Nikolas Gambaroff, Untitled, 2010, oil on linen and wood, 49 x 37 x 3 inch, 124,5 x 94 x 7,7 cm
Born 1979, Germany
Lives and works in New York
Nikolas Gambaroff - EDUCATION
2007 Bard College MFA, School of Visual Arts, New York
2003 Universität der Künste, Berlin
2003 Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin
GIO MARCONI Milano – Nikolas Gambaroff, Untitled, 2011, Paper and acrylic on honeycomb paper board, 19 78 x 14 inch, 50,5 x 35,5 cm
Nikolas Gambaroff – SOLO EXHIBITIONS
Giò Marconi, Milan (upcoming)
I am Real Estate, The Powerstation, Dallas, TX
Tools for Living, Overduin and Kite, Los Angeles, CA
The 4-hour Bodies, Art 43 Basel : Art Unlimited, Basel, Switzerland
Male Fantasies, North Galleries, Inside the White Cube, London, UK
Der Herrische Säugling, Balice Hertling, Paris, France
Time is Brain, Galerie New Jerseyy, Basel, Switzerland
Art Positions (with Balice Hertling), Art Basel Miami Beach, Miami, FL
Two-Alphabet Monograms (with Ei Arakawa), Pro Choice, Vienna, Austria
8864 3362 2250 Z1 CDGRT, Balice Hertling, Paris, France
Giò Marconi galleria arte moderna e contemporanea – Nikolas Gambaroff, Untitled, 2012, newsprint and acrylic on aluminum composite board, 96 x 48 inch, 243,8 x 121,9 cm
Commuter Duplex, with Lisa Jo, The Suburban Gallery, Chicago, IL
A House of Leaves. Second Movement, David Roberts Foundation, London, UK
OC Collects, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, CA
Art and Press, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, , Karlsruhe, Germany
I am an employee of UNITED, Vol. 2, with Ei Arakawa, Overduin and Kite, Los Angeles, CA
Standard Operating Procedures, curated by Piper Marshall, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA
“==,” curated by Matt Keegan, MFC – Michèle Didier, Paris, France
Bodycard Testimonials, with Ei Arakawa, Galerie Meyer Kainer, Vienna, Austria
Ecstatic Alphabets/Heaps of Language, Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
Art and Press, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, Germany
Il Regalo, Overduin and Kite, Los Angeles, CA
Pamela Rosenkranz and Nikolas Gambaroff : This Is Not My Color / The Seven Habits of
Highly Effective People, Swiss Institute, New York, NY
An Image, Kaleidoscope Project Space, Milan
The Confidence Man, Tanya Leighton, Berlin, Germany
Will Benedict, Nikolas Gambaroff, Carissa Rodriguez, Renwick Gallery, New York, NY
Isabelle Cornaro, Nikolas Gambaroff, Oscar Tuazon, Eli Hansen, A Palazzo Gallery, Brescia,
After Images (curated by Flonn Meade), Musée Juif de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium
Group Show, Galerie Balice Hertling & Lewis, New York
Nikolas Gambaroff, Raymond Hains, Jacques Villeglé, Modern Art, London, UK
Arte Flor, Balice Hertling & Giò Marconi, Villa Flor S-Chanf, Switzerland
Robert Barry, Peer Bode, Nikolas Gambaroff, Raymond Hains, Ryan Sullivan, Nicole
Klagsbrun, New York
Eight Posses (HENXGRYK) and a Monogram (with Ei arakawa), MCA Chicago, Chicago,
Nikolas Gambaroff, Michael Krebber, R. H. Quaytman, Blake Rayne, Kunsthalle Bergen,
Bergen, Norway
And So On and So On, Harris Lieberman, New York, NY
Knightʼs Move, Sculpture Center, New York, NY
Held Up by Columns, Renwick Gallery, New York, NY
Centralia, PA, Saturday Sessions, PS1, New York, NY
Nowhere for Nothing, Dubai Stoop with Matt Sheridan Smith, Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai
In Memory of Painting, Layr Wuestenhagen, Vienna
Non Solo, Non Group Show, (with Ei Arakawa, Nick Mauss and Nora Scultz), Künsthalle
Zürich, Zürich
Mu lt il ay er di sc (with Ei Arakawa) as part of Speak and Spell, Coco, Vienna, Austria
Two-Alphabet Monograms (with Ei Arakawa), Pro Choice, Vienna, Austria
Paper Release (with Ei Arakawa), Passagengalerie, Künstlerhaus K/Haus, Vienna, Austria
fi ve sh il li ng sf or af ur co at (with Ei Arakawa), Atti Democratici, Lungomare, Bolzano, Italy
The Living and the Dead (curated by Darren Bader), Gavin Brownʼs Enterprise, New York,
Modern Modern (curated by Pati Hertling), Chelsea Art Museum, New York, NY
Maximal, Minimal, Primo Piano / Diego Cassina, Lugano, Switzerland
No Bees, No Blueberries, Harris Lieberman, New York, NY
Tbilisi6, Never On Sunday, Tbilisi, Georgia, USA
New Images/Unisex, New Images/Unisex (curated by Blake Rayne), Kevin Bruk Gallery,
Miami, FL
Kissing the Canvas (Performance with Ei Arakawa), New Museum, New York, NY
Evas Arche (with Matt Sheridan Smith), Gavin Brownʼs Enterprise, New York, NY
Cube Passerby, Gavin Brownʼs Enterprise at Passerby, New York, NY
EVR (e-flux video rental), Maumaus/Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
Video on View as Art of R. Tiravanijas untitled 2002 (he promised), Guggenheim, Bilbao,
For the People of Paris, Sutton Lane, Paris, France
CAA Show, Hunter College Galleries, New York, NY
Road Show, Boots Contemporary Arts Space, St. Louis, MO
Road Show , Finesilver Gallery San Antonio, TX
Road Show, Arthur Roger Project Space New Orleans, LA
Nowhere for Nothing (with Matt Sheridan Smith), Gavin Brownʼs Enterprise at Passerby, New
York, NY
Pawnshop, e-flux, New York, NY
Radio Bomb, Location One (in collaboration with Alterazioni Video), Whitney Biennal,
Whitney, New York, NY
Peace Town Project (by Rirkrit Tiravanija and Mark Di Suvero), Whitney Biennal, Whitney,
New York, NY
Death is an Outrage (screening with Ei Arakawa), Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York, NY
Disappearances, Opel Medien und Kommunikationszentrum, Berlin, Germany
2010 Visual Art grant Award, Rema Hort Mann Foundation
2005/07 Bard College MFA Scholarships
2006/7 SVA MFA and SVA Alumni Association Scholarship
2004 Fulbright Commission Awarded, Scholarship for Study in the USA
Nikolas Gambaroff - PRESS / PUBLICATIONS
Kraus Chris, “Semaphor: For Nikolas Gambaroff”, published by MFC – Michèle Didier Kraus
Brussels, Belgium
Schulz Nora, “Nikolas Gambaroff”, published by MFC – Michèle Didier, Brussels, Belgium
Obrist, Hans Ulrich, “Futura: Nikolas Gambaroff,” Kaleidoscope , pp. 106-113, Winter, ills.
Griffin, Tim, “Best of 2012: Ecstatic Alphabets/ Heaps of Language,” Artforum , pp. 238-241,
“Male Fantasies,” Catalogue, White Cube, London
Davis, Jacquelyn, “Pamela Rosenkranz and Nikolas Gambaroff,” Artforum , November.
Gartenfeld, Alex, “Nikolas Gambaroff,” Art in America, September, pp. 39, ill.
Solveig Øvstebø (Ed.), “Gambaroff, Krebber, Quaytman, Rayne”, Catalogue
Fionn Meade (Ed.), “Knightʼs Move”, Catalogue
Mauss, Nick “…And Then at Some Point the Painting Starts Again,” Interview, Mousse,
April/May, pp. 100-105, ills.
Baier, Simon “Non-Solo, Non-Group Show“, Texte zur Künst, March
Latimer, Quinn “Nikolas Gambaroff”,, December
Pati Hertling (Ed.), “modern modern”, Catalogue
Walleston, Aimee “modern marvels”,, April
Kleinman, Adam “Nikolas Gambaroff”, Texte zur Künst, March
Ulmer, Brigitte “Speed-Dating unter Künstlern”, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, December
“fi ve sh il li ng sf or af ur co at”, Paper Magazine, Fall
“Tbilisi6 Never on Sunday”, Catalogue
“CB, Abstrakte Vor-Bilder”, Der Standard, 15 October
Labrador, Judicael “Review: Nikolas Gambaroff”, Les Inrockuptibles, December
A. C., “Review: Nikolas Gambaroff”, Connaissance des Arts, December
“Nikolas Gambaroff at BaliceHertling”, December,, December
“Centralia”, PA, Catalogue
“For the people of Paris”, Catalogue, January
Vision Magazine China, June
“Recipes for Downtown”, LMCC Publication, Fall
Salone del Mobile 2013 Fuorisalone – Galleria d’arte GIO MARCONI – Nikolas Gambaroff, Untitled, 2010 2011, newsprint on canvas, acrylic on wood, 50 x 37 x 4 inch, 127 x 94 x 10,2 cm
Nikolas Gambaroff Quality Interiors
Opening: Friday, April 5, 2013 from 19.00 till 21.00
From April 6 till May 18, 2013
From Tuesday to Saturday 10-13, 15-19
For further information please contact: [email protected]
Giò Marconi is very pleased to present Quality Interiors, first solo show by German-born artist Nikolas Gambaroff.
Gambaroff’s work addresses the production of painting and asks what painting could be today through a dissection, deconstruction and re-evaluation of its place in contemporary visual culture. The customs, expectations and myths that painting brings along with it are explored using new and old techniques and traditions.
Everyday materials and informational noise are mobilized as the main elements of Gambaroff’s recent work. Newspapers, covers of glossy magazines and advertisements are bonded using paint and italicized brush strokes. This writing gesture, deprived of meaning, is tearing through the layers of daily information. By mixing together fragments of images, words and colors, he plays with the language of mass media in its everyday existence. Canvases combined with elements extraneous to the traditional painterly practice – stools, shelves and other domestic furnishings – create new assemblages where painting expands into the realm of sculpture.
Gambaroff concerns himself with the problem of context, both in terms of architectural elements and ideological questions. The display will always necessarily be conditioned by the viewer, their movements in and around a space finding new viewpoints and creating new compositions or threads of meaning. This allows for the work to be extended not only in terms of its references but also materially, as objects that depart from their original premises and intent.
For his exhibition at Giò Marconi, Gambaroff will use the whole ground floor of the gallery to present a new body of work, with paintings and sculptural elements produced especially for the occasion.
Nikolas Gambaroff was born in Germany in 1979, he studied at Universität der Künste in Berlin and graduated in 2007 from the MFA Program at Bard College in New York. He currently lives and works in New York.
Recent solo exhibitions include Tools for Living, Overduin and Kite, Los Angeles (2012); I am Real Estate, The Power Station, Dallas (2012); Bodycard Testimonials (with Ei Arakawa), Galerie Meyer Kainer, Vienna (2012); Male Fantasies, White Cube, London (2011); Der Herrische Saügling, Balice Hertling, Paris (2011); Time is Brain, New Jerseyy, Basel (2010); Two-Alphabet Monograms (with Ei Arakawa), Pro Choice, Vienna (2009).
Furthermore, Gambaroff has participated in numerous group shows including Ecstatic Alphabets/Heaps of Language, Museum of Modern Art, New York (2012); Art and Press, ZKM, Karlsruhe (2012); Pamela Rosenkranz and Nikolas Gambaroff: This Is Not My Color / The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Swiss Institute, New York (2011); Eight Posses (HENXGRYK) and a Monogram (with Ei Arakawa), Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (2011); Nikolas Gambaroff, Michael Krebber, R. H. Quaytman, Blake Rayne, Kunsthalle Bergen, Bergen, (2010); Non Solo, Non Group Show, Künsthalle Zürich, Zürich (2009).
MAE Milano Arte Expo [email protected] ringrazia l’ufficio stampa della Galleria Giò Marconi – alla quale far riferimento per conoscere le quotazioni delle opere d’arte di Nikolas Gambaroff - per le news e le immagini relative alla mostra Quality Interiors, di Nikolas Gambaroff. Si ricorda che le date della mostra coincidono anche con quelle della settimana del design per il Salone del Mobile 2013 e per gli eventi FUORISALONE 2013 di Milano.