Magazine Lifestyle
Everything is perfect. In my opinion this is the perfect beach style. Jeffrey Campbell platform shoes,Louis Vuitton oversize bag,bright colors. Gracie Carvalho has the best legs and tanning ever. I Love the Chains and the large bracelets . The contrast between black and colored bikini is the choice of this summer!! YAY!Tutto èperfettoA mioparerequesta èil perfettastile da spiaggia. Le zeppe JeffreyCampbell, la mega borsaLouisVuitton,icolori vivaciGracieCarvalhoha le migliorigambeeabbronzaturamai visteAmo leCateneeil grandi braccialiIl contrastotrabikinineroe coloratiè lasceltadi questaestate!YAY! MAX ABADIAN / FLARE / JUNE 2011
photos from FGR