Magazine Cultura

Haerts - All The Days - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 09 luglio 2013 da Lesto82

musica,video,testi,traduzioni,haerts,video haerts,testi haerts,traduzioni haerts,artisti emergenti

Gli Haerts,gruppo indie-pop con base a New York ma componenti da Inghilterra,Germania e USA,sanno come creare  la giusta attesa per il loro primo album.L'attuale singolo "All The Days" aspira ad essere una hit estiva,nonostante il suo stile avulso dalle mode del momento e grazie al cantato soave dell'interprete.



Time has come
And some gone
Memory faded
Lines are lost
Neon frost
On the sunset
Golden things
We drew our names
In the water
Now you're gone
A love gone wrong
But I'll make it
All the days we had together
All the days we had together
You can teach
A heart to reach
Out to another
Leaving me
Would leave me free
To reach above now
All the days we had together
All the days we had together
All the days we had together
All the days we had together
Oh and when the light is lost the night will follow
Our memory falls into the sun
And when the night is lost the light will follow
Our memory cannot take us back
All the days we had together
All the days we had together
All the days we had together
All the days we had together


Voto 7/10


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