
Happy Birthday Tour Eiffel!

Creato il 31 marzo 2012 da Lauramint
Happy Birthday Tour Eiffel!
Il 31 marzo 1889 è stata inaugurata l'icona parigina, la famosa Torre Eiffel! E' sinonimo di romanticismo, moda, stile, cultura, cinema, letteratura, arte,... e per voi cosa significa?
On the 31st of march of 1889 Paris' icon, the famous Eiffel Tower, has been inaugurated! It's a synonym for romanticism, fashion, style, culture, cinema, literature, art,... and what does it mean for you? Am 31. März des Jahres 1889 wurde die pariser Ikone, der Eiffelturm, eingeweiht! Er ist Synonym von Romantik, Mode, Stil, Kultur, Kino, Literatur, Kunst,... und welche Bedeutung hat er für euch?

Happy Birthday Tour Eiffel!
Happy Birthday Tour Eiffel!
Happy Birthday Tour Eiffel!
Happy Birthday Tour Eiffel!
You can find BEAUTIFUL POSTERS of the Tour Eiffel HERE

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