Here in Italy.... Borghezio story

Creato il 17 settembre 2010 da Missxd
Borghezio Story: From Ordine Nuovo to the Lega NordA racist’s exemplar pathOriginal link in Italian: MEP Mario Borghezio undoubtedly embodies the more radical soul of the “Lega Nord” ( which means “Northern League” and is a racist right-oriented Italian party – translator’s note). Born in Turin in 1943, graduated in Law, after having taken part in two legislatures in the House of Representatives  he was elected to the European Parliament in 1999.In September 1999 he was also appointed President of the “government of Padania” (a not recognised nation which includes the northern Italian regions), when the Lega Nord, after the extraordinary congress held in Varese, decided to openly fight for the secession (of Padania).Nowadays Mario Borghezio, more modestly, restricts himself to chair the “green volunteers” (in Italian “volontari verdi”), an association closely linked to the Lega Nord which is already on trial, charged with attempting the unit of the State and of creating a paramilitary structure.Before entering the Lega Nord at the end of the 80s, Mario Borghezio had already found the way to get himself talked about: the first time it happened when he was a high school student and he joined the Le.Gio.N.E. (stands for “Lega Giovanile Nazionale e Europea” – National and European Youth League) and the second time when, after a short digression in DC (a religious-based centre party) in the 70s, was a militant of Ordine Nuovo, the neo-Nazi group founded by Pino Rauti and Giulio Maceratini, nowadays historically considered by processes and new investigations launched by the judiciary the executive instrument of all the massacres that bloodied Italy from 1969 to 1974.Recently, in a TV interview, Pino Rauti recalled the young Borghezio, ended up in the early 80 at the magazine “Orion”, island of the neo-fascist editorial archipelago, founded by Maurizio Morelli,  sentenced for complicity in the murder of the policeman Antonio Marino, shot in the chest by the launch of a hand grenade in Milan on April 12th ,1973 during the clashes that followed a demonstration run by the “silent majority”.In an interview granted a few days ago to the left-oriented newspaper “l’Unità” Maurizio Morelli pieced together Borghezio’s friendship with Claudio Mutti, closely linked to Franco Freda, and the "fiercely anti-Jewish ideology" that was pervading him.Nowadays he travel with the group of “Forza Nuova”, a neofascist organization, which he called a “basically healthy environment”. We should remember that  Forza Nuova, estabilished by Roberto Fiore and Massimo Morsello, was born as the reincarnation of Terza Posizione, a subversive organization disrupted by the judiciary in 1980, when a lot of bench warrants were sent against its leaders.Roberto Fiore, proved guilty of subversive association and armed gang, expected the requirement of his sentence in London as a fugitive.The model which Forza Nuova is historically based on is the Guardia di Ferro, an ultra-catholic, anti-Semitic and terrorist movement born in Romania in the 30s which was semi-clandestine. It consisted of micro-structures called CUIB (“nest” in Romanian), replicated by Forza Nuova as its basic bodies. Among the symbols appearing today on flyers and banners set about by Forza Nuova you might find the “wolf’s tooth or hook” already used by some Waffe-SS division during the Second World War. Not casually the roman DIGOS (a police detachment which investigates to counter the subversion of democracy and therefore the terrorist activities) after the meeting held on November 2nd in Piazza Santi Apostoli in Rome (the last in a long series) sent an inquiry to the prosecutor in order to the crime of incitement to racial, ethnic and religious hatred. Mario Borghezio, an admirer of Haider and Le Pen, is linked from time immemorial to the most radical right, not only ideologically but also in his behaviour.Sentenced to five months (*To tell the truth they were two months and twenty days, switched to a fine of 3040 euros - translator's note *) in Turin on October 19th, 2005 for having set fire to a shelter under a bridge used by homeless non EU immigrants, he is not new to attending court as a defendant for violent crimes. He is also standing trial for fraudulent bankruptcy.  In conclusion, he is an emblematic figure in the Lega Nord landscape, but he is not the only one.Many others have followed the same path.

Let’s see: Who is Mario Borghezio?

 In 1993 Borghezio takes a penalty of  750,000 lire for beating a Moroccan childIn 2000 he became the protagonist of a racial pest control operation. Rose on the Intercity Turin-Milan with his brave and courageous companions in green shirt and found a compartment occupied by Nigerian women,  he performs in a spectacular operation of “ethnic cleansing” spraying a product cleaner and a deodorant on the unfortunate passengers and the sits that they were occupying. Telepadania (the TV owned by the Lega Nord) proudly filmed all the scene.In 2002 he was sentenced to eight months (two months and 20 days then switched to a fine of 3,000 euros by the Supreme Court) for the fire he set on July 1st, 2002 under the “Princess Clotilde” bridge in Turin. The fire broke out at the end of a manifestation against drugs. Afetr  having chanted against non-EU dealers who crowded the area, about ten protesters led by Borghezio broke away from the small parade and started a sort of “inspection” along the river banks. Some "green shirts" (Borghezio on top), brandishing torches and flashlights, went under the bridge Princess Clotilde, which was in those days a refuge for non-EU homeless, and set fire to the shelters.He was a neo-fascist of the organization Ordine Nuovo and made speeches with the neo-fascist group Forza Nuova. He was in Klagenfurt, in Austria, at the international conference of the populist and xenophobic extreme right Fpoe promoted by the Haider’s movement, with representatives of the Belgian Vlaams Blok racist party, to discuss joint lists in the European elections of 2004.He invited to the “training” conference made for the “giovani padani”, the Lega Nord’s young section, Alain de Benoist, leader of the European radical right, father of the "differential ethnic", a new frontier of racist thought, for the preservation of the different cultural, national and religious identities (such as proposed by the ex President of the Senate Marcello Pera!!) which puts forward again the legacy of xenophobic intoleranceHe preaches “the opposition to a multiracial society” in the name of defending “the purity of the Po race” and identifies in the “non-EU citizens invasion” the cause of the progressive “corruption in customs and traditions” and the main vehicle of spreading of illness and crimes. At a Lega Nord conference swastikas were sold and the books written by Franco Freda and Julius Evola, the main Italian neo-Nazi theorist, were suggested to the attendants. We should also remember the Hitler’s portraits and the Third Reich stickers which were put on lockers and desks in the editorial unit of “La Padania”, the Lega Nord’s newspaper.

And now, to not forget anything, let’s see a small (incomplete) overview of “peaceful” declarations made by (dis)honourable Borghezio…

“We want to use your language, roman Mafiosi, this is a warning in the style of Mafia to the free self-determination of the citizens of Novara and free citizens of Padania. Is not hygienic that the unspeakable ex secretary of Novara will attend the next meeting of the City Council.To use your language, roman mafiosi, this is a warning! "(Statements of 18 October 1996, Ordinance 150-2000 and the Constitutional Court Judgement No. 51-2002)From the famous "Sermon of the cloak": these bad-looking beards (Muslims - author's note), these puppets with the cloak, someday we’ll take them by the beard and drove them out kicking them in the ass".On Boso, his fellow partyman that wanted to take the footprints to blacks, to make them vote on Mont Blanc and asked for the railway apartheid, he said: “Boso is the human type of the Padania, a bit ex policeman and a bit woodsman, a bit hunter, a bit free man…. He is attractive because of his corn-fed, genuine, often rough, raw nature, indubitable expression of a living reality…. Woodsy, I meant. He is “less words, more facts”. With my questions I made Sgarbi’s escort be removed, he kicked him in the ass. We march divided and we hit together.On the major of Erba, Enrico Ghioni, belonging to the Ulivo (a centre-left party - translator’s note), who made a stele with the sun of the Alps and the word "Sq. Padania" posed by the Lega Nord in the square near the station be removed, Borghezio said: “the Major of Erba has to thank God because Padania is not Corsica, where if a pro-French major dare to attempt the local population’s sentiment he will certainly stop living”.   At a meeting of the Lega Nord in Voghera, Borghezio and his supporters recited what they called "Gypsy’s prayer", which says:"Give us one million per month / so the City has no other costs / give us a house with priorities / ‘cause we are here also if we are nomads / but we would also not be "gassed” / from Voghera’s people that looks black”  (The Italian version is rhymed – translator’s note)The text had been spread with leaflets.“"I came with pleasure, but for me this is the last event without clubs. We have to begin to give signals, and a good signal is a hail of blows. Let’s keep a check on these sites with patrols, and since they are impervious let’s support ourselves with thick clubs " (Villa Spada, Bologna, June 24th, 2005). Saturday October 29th, 2005: “fundamentalist Muslims, fuck you…. There is no mercy for anyone, the day of reckoning will come and you will find that there is a tough League... Let’s take as an exemple those EU country in which those who break the law are kicked also by oldies”. Don’t forget that this man was also Secretary (to justice) of the ItalianRepublic

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