I didn't resist this morning from going to check online the first Holmes & Yang S/S13 collection - the brand of Katie Holmes and her stylist Jeanne Yang. I was really curious to see if Holmes has got a future as a celebrity designer alike to Victoria Beckham and the Olsen sisters. The collection is small - just 15 pieces - and the format was a presentation, so that people, I guess, could see the outfits upclose and take their time. The identity of the brand is not yet really clear and there was not a signature look on show, but all the pieces are really wearable, commercial - as most of the NY collection are - relaxed and feminine at the same time. The best looks? The ones with trousers, shorts and jackets ( and the jumpsuit) but the dress look less convincing and thought through.
Non ho resistito stamattina nell'andare a guardare online la prima collezione Homes & Yang S/S13 - il brand di Katie Holmes e la sua stylist Jeanne Yang. Ero curioso di vedere se la Holmes ha un futuro ncome stilista/celebrity come Victoria Beckham e le Olsen. La collezione e' limitata - solo 15 look - ed il format e' stato una presentazione, cosi' le persone invitate, presuppongo, hanno potuto scrutare i look da vicino e prendersi tutto il tempo che volevano. L'identita' del brand ancora non mi sembra chiara e non ho visto alcun look distintivo, ma tutti i capi sono indossabili e commerciali - come la maggiorparte delle collezioni di NY -, rilassati e femminili allo stesso tempo. I look migliori? Quelli con pantaloni, shorts, blazer e bomber (e il jumpsuit) ma gli abiti sono poco convincenti e poco 'pensati'