Magazine Cultura

How many non-Italian people are in love with Scotland?

Creato il 20 luglio 2011 da Auroradomeniconi

How many non-Italian people are in love with Scotland?Hi guys,

I guess time has come to extend the invitation to participate to this blog as guest bloggers to all non-Italian people who are in love with Scotland as well.

Not only half of the Italian population is travelling to Scotland this summer, it seems that everybody in the world but me will be there

This is not that amazing… I already mentioned many times that I deeply envy everyone going to Scotland when I am forced to stay home (well, I won’t actually stay home as I will enjoy some holidays in Calabria next August… but I will be terribly suffering until I won’t have the chance to go to Scotland again!), so I am not going to bother you again repeating it once more… that was only meant to point out that many people, more that I could really expected, do love Scotland the same way I do. So I thought everybody deserve the opportunity to write something about our favorite place on earth and do contribute to my collection “Scotland, my love”.

The idea is very simple (and perhaps a bit unoriginal)… Will you visit Scotland this year? Have you just come back home and are already struck by nostalgia? Did you go to Scotland some years ago and are looking forward to planning your next visit? There surely will be something you would like to share with both me and my followers: the stops of your journey, your favorite Scottish corner, the impressions you got while travelling, the emotions you felt while surrounded by a particularly fascinating landscape, etc. What I am trying to do is collecting stories about your own travels to Scotland and host them here on my blog. The final aim is to share our experience with others, give advice on what to see and to do in Scotland and keep our love for this extraordinary country alive. As I have already told to my Italian followers, the collection will soon take the features of a real competition, and the best story will win a special (still undefined) prize.

A recent friend of mine, Greg, is developing a fantastic website devoted to Scotland, namely Holiday Scotland. Driven by the same idea, he is inviting people to add contributions of their own. I also promised Greg to send some writings of my own, but I had no time yet. I am very curious and willing to find out if people love Scotland so much that they are able to contribute to both Greg’s website and mine


Looking forward for your feedback then! I am confident you won’t make me wait for ages…

Have a nice night, folks!


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