Magazine Cultura

how to improve your memory

Da Alba Forni @albaforni1
how to improve your memory

Today I want to talk about an important aspect of learning a new language: memorizing vocabulary. It can be boring and not much fun, but sooner or later a little bit of memorizing can really help.
Oggi ti voglio parlare di un aspetto importante da considerare quando si studia una nuova lingua: la memorizzazione del vocabolario. Può essere noioso, ma prima o poi è necessario in quanto rappresenta un grande aiuto.

So I want to share 5 tips on improving your memory:

1. Sleep! - When you're sleep deprived, your brain doesn't work properly.
Dormi! Quando non dormi il tempo necesario, il tuo cervello non rende al 100%.

Sleeping is critical to learning and memory because in the deep stages of sleep, the brain does a lot of work related to memory.

2. Laugh - Laughter is the best medicine, right?
Ridi. La risata è la cura migliore, non credi?

Enjoying a joke with a friend, for example, is a great way to boost learning and creativity. The happier you are, the better you think!

3. Don't worry,... meditate!
Non preoccuparti... medita!

Meditation produces more activity in the left prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is the part that makes you happy. It also creates more connections in the brain. And more connections in the brain mean better mental ability and memory.

4. Eat healthy food!
Mangia sano!

A good diet with lots of fruit and vegetables provides lots of health benefits, including a better memory.

5. Exercise your brain!
Esercita la tua mente!

Memory is like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Activities that use your hands, for example, are fantastic. Try playing an instrument, juggling or playing ping pong.

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