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HUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion Week

Creato il 08 marzo 2011 da Riccardopalmerani
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Mentre la maggior parte dei designer ancora preferiscono presentare la loro collezione in passerella, i film di moda stanno emergendo sempre più. Hussein Chalayan ha fatto con i film, arte e moda per anni. “In qualche modo, si possono vedere i vestiti meglio di quanto si può in una sfilata” egli spiega. Nell’ultima collezione di Chalayan ci sono giacche su misura, dove un lato del risvolto si scioglie in una sciarpa e, Chalayan spiega, quando il modello mette le mani nelle tasche crea la propria silhouette.
Hussein Chalayan nuovamente presentato un film, raccogliendo dove aveva lasciato la scorsa stagione, esplorando la cultura giapponese. Il film di questa stagione, Kaikoku, significa "paese aperto" in giapponese. "Dopo il periodo di isolamento Sakoku in Giappone, il paese sperimentato e apertura alla cultura occidentale, che negli anni ha influenzato il cibo, moda, arte, architettura e tecnologia, mentre il paese è rimasto ancora distintamente giapponese" ha spiegato. "Sembra che ci sono voluti due secondi, ma non è così", ha detto del film , lo sponsor, Swarovski, durante la visione del film, tenuta in una galleria nel Marais,quartiere di Parigi.
Il pezzo speciale della collezione chiamato “l'abito galleggiante” che Chalayan ha creato in collaborazione con Swarovski, che è stato realizzato in oro spray è controllato e quando si muove, espelle “polline” in Swarsoki, polline di cristallo, tramite telecomando. "L'abito simboleggia nuovi inizi. Può spostare e andare in un viaggio " ha detto Chalayan.
"Per la prossima stagione, si spera sarà uno spettacolo".
While most designers still prefer to present their collection on the catwalk, fashion films are emerging increasingly. Hussein Chalayan did with film, art and fashion for years. "In some ways, you can see the clothes better than you can in a parade, " he says. At the last collection of tailored jackets are Chalayan, where one side of the flap is dissolved in a scarf and, Chalayan explained, when the model puts his hands in his pockets creates his own silhouette.
Hussein Chalayan presented a film again, picking up where he left off last season, exploring the Japanese culture. The film of this season, Kaikoku, meaning "open country"in Japanese. "After the isolation period sakoku in Japan, the country experienced and openness to Western culture, which over the years has influenced the food, fashion, art, architecture and technology, while the country has remained distinctly Japanese, " he said. "It seems that it took two seconds, but it is not, " said the film, the sponsor, Swarovski, during the movie, which was held in a gallery in the Marais district of Paris.
The special piece of the collection called "the dress float" that Chalayan has created in collaboration with Swarovski, which was made of gold spray is controlled and when it moves, ejects "pollen" in Swarsoki, pollen, crystal by remote control. "This dress symbolizes new beginnings. It can move and go on a journey, " says Chalayan.
"For next season, hopefully will be a performance. "

HUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion Week
HUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion Week
HUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion Week
HUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion Week
HUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion Week
HUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion Week
HUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion Week
HUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion Week
HUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion WeekHUSSEIN CHALAYAN Fall 2011/12 | Floating Dress | Paris Fashion Week

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