Magazine Cucina
I Suggerimenti del Lunedì - Come trasformare una teglia Rotonda in Teglia per Ciambelle
Da AnatroccoloPer prima cosa si ritaglia la base della torta con la carta da forno, poi al centro si crea un buco grande quanto il nostro bicchiere o cocotte.
Se il bicchiere non è alto quanto la teglia si dovrà riempire di carta da forno compressa o alluminio fino a raggiungere l'altezza desiderata.
Si taglierà una striscia di carta da forno lunga almeno quanto la circonferenza del bicchiere, si piegherà nel senso della lunghezza e si praticheranno tanti tagli a distanza di circa 2 cm su uno dei lati lunghi. Questi segmenti di carta andranno posizionati sotto il disco alla base della teglia e in mezzo al cilindro che si sarà così formato metteremo il nostro bicchiere. Ecco pronta una teglia per ciambella. Sembra molto laborioso ma con un paio di forbici ben affilate il gioco è fatto in pochi minuti.
English Version I had three non-stick cake pans, one of them had two bases, one was plain, the other was for bundt cakes or savarin. I never used the latter one and when my mother-in-law needed to borrow a cake pan I gave that very one to her. I also told her she could keep it as I never used it. For that moment on I read so many recipes asking for that kind of mould, so I think I’m going to have to get a new one. In the meantime I’ve been creative and make a bundt cake pan when needed. The first way to do that is to roll some parchment paper into a ball and put it in the middle of the buttered and floured pan, then adjust the cake mixture around it. The result won’t be neat but that doesn’t matter with, let’s say monkey bread for instance. If you want something more accurate you need some parchment paper, a plain non-stick cake pan and a ramekin or a heat resistant drinking glass. Cut a round piece of parchment for the pan base then cut a circle in the middle of the paper the same size of the ramekin. If your ramekin is not as tall as the pan sides you can fill it with a ball of parchment or foil. Cut then a piece of parchment and fold it in half by the length. Snip one of the long sides of this strip every 2 cm and put these paper segments underneath the middle hole of the parchment base disk. Put the ramekin inside the parchment cylinder and there you have a bundt cake pan. It sounds fiddly but is not, you’ll have it prep in a matter of minutes.
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