Frozen Yogurt ? non c' è problema, prendetevela calma e gustatevi il vostro yogurt genuino in santa pace seduti ai tavoli del Cono D'Oro o sbirciate tra i negozietti gli ultimi modelli di infradito. Le granite o il leggerissimo pistacchio vi sedurranno come la maga Circe e, che lo vogliate o no, l'aria della costa leggera come il volo dei gabbiani migrerà sui vostri sensi amplificando il dolce sapore del gelato.La musica di Lennon risuona ovunque imponente nella risacca, onde di memoria per un'estate indimenticabile. DA NON PERDERE: Gusto Anguria, Freschissimo!!!
English version below
RYM goes travelling! Welcome to our first post out of the borders. Of Rome, needless to say. This time we drove away to let you discover a jewel only a few km away from the capital city. If you have a chance, take the via Pontina - possibly avoiding the rush hour... just saying - and enjoy the magnificent view of the countryside to get to the coast, where the natural park of Circeo is located. You can explore the area, bathe in the sea among the sand dunes in Sabaudia or enjoy the rocky cliffs in Punta Rossa, near the lighthouse. Or you can just enjoy a refreshing break at a top notch gelateria, il Cono d'Oro.
Breath the sea wind and take a seat to relax at your best. This parlour offers you a few classics and some gems. Try aranciocco, or the chilli chocolate flavour. But we warmly suggest you to try their real one: the watermelon sorbet, which they scoop directly from the cut half of the fruit. It's pure heaven. And for a healthy choice, don't forget you can even try a cup of froyo. Anything else? Summer calls granita, and il Cono d'Oro replies.The perfect soundtrack: relaxing notes with the sweetest song by John Lennon...
Il Cono d'Oro highlight: watermelon sorbet!
Aranciocco, Melone e Cocco