Magazine Lifestyle

In shopping around with my DIY Falabella Stella by Mc Cartney

Creato il 30 agosto 2012 da Themorasmoothie @themorasmoothie
In shopping around with my DIY Falabella Stella by Mc Cartney
I wore my new bag for a shopping trip and then I met in this market, where I tried a few good ideas for my DIY, unfortunately I did not find anything interesting, but I enjoyed very much. Goodbye
Ho indossato la mia nuova borsa per fare un giro di shopping e poi mi sono ritrovata in questo mercato,dove ho cercato qualche buona occasione per i miei DIY,  purtroppo non ho trovato nulla di interessante,ma mi sono divertita tantissimo.Goodbye
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In shopping around with my DIY Falabella Stella by Mc Cartney
In shopping around with my DIY Falabella Stella by Mc Cartney
In shopping around with my DIY Falabella Stella by Mc Cartney
In shopping around with my DIY Falabella Stella by Mc Cartney
In shopping around with my DIY Falabella Stella by Mc Cartney
In shopping around with my DIY Falabella Stella by Mc Cartney
In shopping around with my DIY Falabella Stella by Mc Cartney
In shopping around with my DIY Falabella Stella by Mc Cartney
In shopping around with my DIY Falabella Stella by Mc Cartney

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