Magazine Cultura
(ENG) Infinite Light Ltd. is the project of Nathan Amundson (rivulets), Mat Sweet (Boduf Songs) and Aidan Baker (Nadja, WhisperRoom, ARC), who crossed their guitars through the air, working independently one from each other. In most of the songs, mostly instrumental, it's clear that the style of one of the authors takes precedence over the others: in December 12 the typical narcoleptic sung by Mat Sweet drags itself on weak guitar chords, and on a carpet of strings and drones, Vision of God focuses on a clear acoustic arpeggio in rivulets-style; the guitar cacophony of All Blues is the daughters of Nadja's music. With few exceptions (such as The Bullet Sent Me To Kill Is Already On Its Way, which is good slowcore: a languid guitar is accompanied by rough and martial percussions, and then lead to a growing tail), is the lack of cohesion to penalize a job still interesting for fans of the genre. The solo works of three authors are, however, at higher quality levels.
(pubblicato su OndaRock)
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