Diabetes cure using stem cells is an ongoing project and is showing excellent promise.
Diabetes cure using stem cells is definitely an ongoing project and is also showing fantastic promise diabetesadviceweb. The University of Pennsylvania is now performing clinical studies for a new surgery referred to as Islet Cell Transplantation. The new procedure will involve transplanting islet cells from a matching donor. Beta islet cells are the cells from the pancreas which secrete insulin. The procedure is for Type 1 diabetics in whose Beta islet cells are actually destroyed and thus no insulin is developed. These patients need to be on insulin therapy for the rest of their lives. Since the cells are transplanted in the liver, the body right after the first transplant may give warning signs once the blood sugar levels are too low. Many Type 1 diabetics don't have any warning and quite often just blackout which can be dangerous when driving or performing other critical tasks.
Islet cell transplantation cannot treat many cases of Type 2 diabetes but is a probable cure for the over 700,000 individuals in the United States who may have Type 1 diabetes. But, at present there aren't enough donors to go around with just about 3,500 donor organs available a year ago. Most patients presently need 2 transplantations to obtain absolutely off insulin therapy. The solution to this problem is to make islets inside the lab using stems cells. There is certainly research going on using debatable embryonic stem cells along with stem cells extracted from adults. But due to the ethical as well as political debate regarding stem cells this route to a cure is moving little by little. People who think that life starts at conceiving powerfully oppose embryonic stem cell research since the cells originate from human embryos that are destroyed in the process. Embryonic stem cells have not matured into human cells and have the greatest possibility to develop into any type of cells in the body system, including hair, skin, blood, toenail etc. Adversaries to this research believe adult stem cells obtained from adult bone marrow is the answer to this problem. But you can find studies which raise questions on the capability of these cells as therapies.
A recent published study revealed that an intestinal hormone brought on stem cells obtained from a pancreas to become islet cells that exude insulin - they are called beta cells, there is however debate over this research and it has not been able to be reproduced.
Even though the research using stem cells is in its infant stages many scientists believe that this research holds the most promise for achievement for diabetics in order to quit taking insulin injection after their bodies start producing the hormone by natural means check out your url.
Diabetes cure using stem cells is definitely an on-going project and is exhibiting great promise in the fight to find a remedy for this long-term disease.

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