Oltre che per la chioma afro (che personalmente adoro), Julia si fa da sempre notare alle fashion weeks per il suo stile particolare. Ama mixare capi dal sapore vintage, stampe colorate e accessori eccentrici.
Nonostante sia lontana anni luce dal mio ideale di look, trovo che abbia uno stile personale e molto originale, cosa che apprezzo. Non è la tipica fashion victims che si ricopre di firme. Ama combinare gli stessi capi creando ogni volta outfits davvero originali. Vi piace?
Julia Sarr-Jamois is 23 year old and she's fashion editor for Wonderland magazine. Before that she was a model for Diesel and Fred Perry and she also was the stylist for I-D magazine.
Apart her afro haircut (personally I love that), Julia is famous for the style set during fashion weeks. She likes matching vintage items to colorful prints and unique accessories.
Her style is not properly mine, but I like the fact she has an unconventional and original taste in fashion. She's not the typical fashion victim. She likes to create outfits by combining different kinds of items. Do you like her?