Instarecap of my first day of MFW!

Creato il 22 febbraio 2013 da Adreamcalledfashion
Instarecap of my first day of MFW! Ready for the first day! Hello girls! As you know, here in Milan is still ongoing woman fashion week and before to speak in detail of each event in which I participated, I decided to summarize each day with some photos taken and shared via my profile Instagram (@ adreamcalledfashion). So good vision and you soon! A hug, Fabiana
Buongiorno ragazze! Come ben saprete, qui a Milano è tutt'ora in corso la settimana della moda donna e prima di parlarvi dettagliatamente di ciascun evento a cui ho preso parte, ho deciso di riassumere ogni giorno con alcune foto scattate e condivise tramite il mio profilo Instagram (@adreamcalledfashion). Dunque buona visione e a prestissimo!!! Un abbraccio, Fabiana
Instarecap of my first day of MFW! Paola Frani fashion show
Instarecap of my first day of MFW! Little break at Biancolatte(one of my favorite place)
Instarecap of my first day of MFW! Kristina T fashion show
Simonetta Ravizza fashion show
Meet up with other two bloggers
Lunch at Mama Burger

Elena Ghisellini presentation
Fatima Val fashion show
Ballantyne and Matthew Williamson presentation

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