Magazine Lifestyle
INTERNI LEGACY – FuoriSalone Exhibitions in Milan University
Creato il 24 aprile 2012 da Gavywcd @GavyWCDLast Sunday “Milan Design Week 2012” is officially finished but if you are not satisfied yet, there is an exposition that is possible to visit until 28th of April. La scorsa domenica è terminata ufficialmente la “Milan Design Week 2012” ma se non siete ancora soddisfatti, c’è un’esposizione che è ancora possibile visitare sino al 28 Aprile.
It’s the exhibition organized by the Interiors and Contemporary Design magazine INTERNI, in the State University of Milan in via Festa del Perdono in Milan. The exposition is based on the concept of “Legacy” left by great masters of the past to new generations in terms of research, technology and ways to decrease waste. Si tratta dell’esposizione organizzata dalla rivista di Interiors e Contemporary Design INTERNI, presso l’Università Statale di via Festa del Perdono a Milano. L’esposizione si basa sul concetto di “Eredità” lasciata dai maestri di Ieri agli interpreti di Oggi in termini di ricerca, tecnologie e riduzione degli sprechi.
Pure Design Installations that among shapes, materials and colors had totally enchanted me. Here’s below I show you some pictures I took last week at the exposition with some notes about my fav installations: Installazioni di pure Design che tra forme, materiali e concetti mi hanno totalmente rapito e incantato! Qui sotto vi mostro alcune foto dell’esposizione, scattate da me la scorsa settimana, accompagnate da alcune note sulle installazioni che più mi hanno colpito:
3D X1 MULTI SLICE VIEW - A perspective game created with a cube measuring 4.5 m on each side, made with 31 slabs of Maximum, technical porcelain stoneware - Designer Odile Decq.
SURFACE – Iconic scenography made of a series of 9 vertical surfaces decorated with different colors and patterns, printed in Digital Inkjetting. A reflection on the theme of tradition meant as transition from history to future, of a pure and light aesthetics. Designers Alessandro and Francesco Mendini.
EAU VIVE – Stone and water, solidity and inertia, opposites that attract in nature: a platform made in White Rhino material and Cardoso stone for a minipool – Designers Ludovica and Roberto Palomba.
ARROW – A seat cut from a single 25-ton block of Carrara marble. An arrow reaching to the sky becomes the point of intersection of architecture, design and sculpture. The unique piece is created exclusively for the White Moon Gallery of Paris – Designer ORA ITO.
And here's one of most interesting installations that I want to show you with a video: ARCHITECT’S EYE - An artificial steel eye that reflects the architecture around it and reproduces the reactions of the pupil, transmitting sensations of surprise , fear and shock for monument-symbols of architecture threatened with destruction – Designers Speech Tchoban & Kuznetsov. xx Gavy
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