Magazine Decorazione
Soprattutto ho voglia di passare intere giornate con la macchina fotografica, mamma a Natale non poteva farmi un regalo migliore.E' meraviglioso poter catturare istanti, emozioni, fermare una lacrima o un sorriso che resteranno indelebili nel tempo.
Oggi riposo assoluto e mi godo il sole che dopo l'acquazzone di ieri fa di nuovo capolino, ma domani si torna al lavoro.
Periodo di cerimonie e di tantissime cose da fare dai progetti floreali alle bomboniere.
A brevissimo le proposte corso per le cerimonie.
Buona domenica a tutte
Finally, tomorrow is officially spring!The home garden is waking up, under my magnolia terrace has already begun to bloom, and grass were born in the wild violets.Sun, heat, an explosion of flowers and soft colors awaken us all.Provence in spring is one of the most beautiful in the world because it still retains the charm dear to artists like Picasso and Van Gogh, with its endless fields of lavender and sunflowers and red poppies wonderfully spontaneous creascono between the plantations .I feel like a relaxing trip .....I especially want to spend whole days with my camera, Mom at Christmas could not make me a better gift.It 's wonderful to capture moments, emotions, stop a tear or a smile that will remain indelible in time.Complete rest today and I enjoy the sun after the shower head does it again yesterday, but tomorrow back to work.Period of ceremonies and plenty to do from floral designs to the favors.A short course proposals for the ceremonies.Have a nice sundayBisous
Photos: Lisa Lowatt Smith and from the web
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