"Jose Mourinho? He is not only the Special One in football pitches. For italian women he is the sexiest sport star". This is the result of the survey commissioned by the weekly 'Diva e Donna', on newsstands tomorrow, to Euromedia Research Institute. Women just can not resist to charm of the multi-titled Inter manager, who is moving to Real Madrid.Indeed, to the question 'What role would you like he will hold in your life?', as much as 48% of the Italian replied without hesitation: "Lover". The reason? Because "he has a compelling personality. He is a real macho", said 35.6% of respondents, in the range between 25 and 44 years. And 29.2% of the ladies, on a representative sample of the Italian female population, aged 18 to over 65, has crowned "The sexiest in the sport world". In second place among the sex symbol, the captain of Fabio Cannavaro. Bronze medal at the swimmer Filippo Magnini.Even the beautiful Belen Rodriguez, on the number of 'Chi' on newsstands tomorrow, has revealed his passion (platonic) for the portuguese coach: "He's very cool, he makes me crazy, you see that he is a latin. Who is so confident of himself can use his body perfectly".
Italia, mourinho votato come amante ideale - italy, mourinho voted as ideal lover
Creato il 25 maggio 2010 da Rollingballs"Jose Mourinho? He is not only the Special One in football pitches. For italian women he is the sexiest sport star". This is the result of the survey commissioned by the weekly 'Diva e Donna', on newsstands tomorrow, to Euromedia Research Institute. Women just can not resist to charm of the multi-titled Inter manager, who is moving to Real Madrid.Indeed, to the question 'What role would you like he will hold in your life?', as much as 48% of the Italian replied without hesitation: "Lover". The reason? Because "he has a compelling personality. He is a real macho", said 35.6% of respondents, in the range between 25 and 44 years. And 29.2% of the ladies, on a representative sample of the Italian female population, aged 18 to over 65, has crowned "The sexiest in the sport world". In second place among the sex symbol, the captain of Fabio Cannavaro. Bronze medal at the swimmer Filippo Magnini.Even the beautiful Belen Rodriguez, on the number of 'Chi' on newsstands tomorrow, has revealed his passion (platonic) for the portuguese coach: "He's very cool, he makes me crazy, you see that he is a latin. Who is so confident of himself can use his body perfectly".
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