Torniamo a noi... Questa è la mia wishlist di gennaio per quanto riguarda le scarpe.. Si, ho proprio voglia di acquistare dei tronchetti... Qualche vi piace di più? Buona giornata a tutti!
You have to tell me why Gimp is consider a valid alternative to Photoshop. Well, I hate it!! It tooks me 40 minutes to do this collage.. and it sucks. Grr! Please, keep on praying for my Mac!
Go back to the post.. This is my January wishlist about shoes. Yes, I'd really like to buy a pair of ankle boots... What do you think is the best pair? Have a nice day!
1. Buffalo [buy them HERE]
2. Moda in Pelle [buy them HERE]
3 and 4. Betty London [buy them HERE and HERE]
5. Tamaris [buy them HERE]