Magazine Cultura

Jessica Bailiff - Hour of the trace (1999)

Creato il 06 giugno 2011 da Lullabier
Jessica Bailiff - Hour of the trace (1999)(ITA) In questo secondo album, meno coeso di Even in silence, la Bailiff imbocca svariati sentieri musicali, senza sceglierne uno preciso con decisione. Si alternano un salmo sacro su organo minimale (Crush), ballate velvettiane (Across the miles), distorsioni gotiche di chitarra degne degli Swans (After hours) e persino una lunga suite di musica ambient (How Our Perception of Distance Is Changed With Each Passing). Ciò però in cui l'autrice è insuperabile sono le nenie soffuse, ripetitive e inquietanti come Amnesia e Warren.

(ENG) In this second album, less cohesive than Even in silence, Bailiff takes a variety of musical paths, without choosing firmly one specific of them. A sacred and minimal organ psalm (Crush) alternates to Velvet-ian ballads (Across the miles), gothic guitar distortions worthy of the Swans (After hours) and even a long suite of ambient music (How Our Perception of Distance Is Changed With Each Passing). However, what in which she is unbeatable are the soft, repetitive and disturbing dirges as Amnesia and Warren.

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