Magazine Cultura
Quando ero più giovane, un grande momento delle mie giornate e anche di quelle di Claudio a dire la verità, era legato alle telefonate a Supporti Fonografici, dal buon Carlo Villa. Mi ricordo che l'ordine per questo disco lo feci dall'Autogrill in cui lavoravo all'epoca come barista. Ovviamente il tutto era partito da quella maledetta segnalazione su Rockerilla...MBV + Sarah Records. No, voglio dire..come si può resistere a una simile descrizione?
Telefonai e Carlo non fece altro che confermarmi il tutto: si, i riverberi dei MBV e il pop della Sarah. In ginocchio non potei altro che dire questa frase "Carlo, butta dentro!!".
Poi, ascoltando il cd, magari questa descrizione mi sembrava un pò strana....però ero felice...35 mile lire spese con gioia. Sopratutto quella di Carlo Villa. (2000 Bar/None Records)
Joy Zipper makes a couple of impressions before one has even placed the CD in the disc player. First, the title is intriguingly suggestive of something fun. Next, the CD cover features an evocative picture of a woman dressed in white with a small child, set against the backdrop of a beach. This leaves the listener in a receptive mood for Joy Zipper's debut, a lush mesh of songs that simply hypnotize. Guitarist/vocalist Vincent Cafiso, vocalist/keyboardist Tabitha Tindale, and drummer Charlie Chase create a dense layer of sound, much richer than their small number might suggest. "Booda" begins with a dreamy, back-tracked guitar, falls into a mellow grove, and then is brought to fullness by a lovely, wistful vocal by Tindale. In fact, most of the vocals by Tindale and Cafiso could be described as wistful. The harmony behind the lead vocal on "God" creates the sonic equivalent of floating, as though capturing the fleeting moment before one drifts into sleep. The oddly titled "The Power of Alan Watts" begins with the intriguing lyric "Alan Watts is dead" and then continues as an ode to the philosophy of the guru. There's a doubling of the tempo in the middle of the song, with driving bass and drums that keep the listener alert. Joy Zipper is very much a studio effort. Backing harmonies, bass parts, and guitars have been layered carefully, creating a cohesive sound for the entire album. Each pensive, dreamy song manages to be part of an intrinsic whole without being redundant. This lovely album will appeal to anyone who enjoys beautifully layered pop music. (Ronnie D. Lankford - All Music Guide)
- Like 24 (6+1+=3)
- Transformation Fantasy
- Check Out My New Jesus
- Pillow
- Christine Bonilla
- Pan Moota
- Booda
- God
- Everyday
- The Power of Alan Watts
- Apathy
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