Jude law / dior / commercial shot
Creato il 29 maggio 2011 da Runaway
The sexiest man alive, is back at work. Jude Law is filming the new commercial for Dior Homme in Cap d’Antibes on the French Riviera . He' Very very hot, the demonstration that you don't need a lot of hair to be sexy ! Remember to dress like him this summer..maybe you have some chance...with or without hair...
L'uomo più sexyal mondo,è tornatoallavoroJudeLawsta girandoilnuovo spotper DiorHommea Capd'Antibes,sullaRiviera franceseE ' moltomolto sexy,la dimostrazione che non avete bisogno diun saccodicapelliperesseresexy!Ricordatevidivestirecome luiquesta estate..magariavete qualche possibilità...con o senza capelli ...

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