Personalmente, Karma mi fa pensare alla crema che mia madre si metteva sul viso la sera, quando ero bambina, io potevo sentirne il profumo quando veniva a darmi il bacio della buonanotte. Un odore confortante: è questa la prima parola che mi viene in mente. Una fragranza calda e avvolgente, come una coperta sulle spalle in pieno inverno, una garanzia per un domani che ci sarà, qualcosa in cui è piacevole perdersi - con la certezza che ritrovare la strada non sarà difficile. Quel profumo semplice, poco elaborato, era capace di traghettarmi nei sogni per direttissima, con una fiducia assoluta che da allora non ho quasi più provato. Un'altra cosa che mi fa adorare questa fragranza è che da poco è stata proposta anche in versione stick: costa pochissimo, dura a lungo e mi ricorda tanto gli anni Settanta, quando i profumi solidi andavano molto di moda. La fragranza è leggera ma persistente: basta passare lo stick sui polsi e sul collo e dura per tutto il giorno; anzi, quando mi sveglio di soprassalto di notte posso ancora sentire il profumo sul cuscino!
ENGKarma: patchouli oil and old memories of empty shores in the night, with a burning bonfire and darkness which turns words into spells. Orange oil - one of my favourite, even absolute - and a summer bicycle ride in the afternoon, toward nowhere, with road dust sticky on your calves. Lavendin oil - most common in perfumery than the lavender one, but less pretentious and hence more enjoyable - and the same scent which I can smell nowadays in my maple Grandma's closet, where secrets and memories are kept hidden. Pine oil, and suddenly you can find yourself sitting in the wood under a huge tree, with your knees close to your chest and ajar eyes, lost in the wondrous light which oozes through the branches. Karma, on my opinion, is one of the best perfumes which can take back to mind the sweetest memories, those who reminds us that, despite everything, this world is not the most awful place ever where we can spend some time. A built perfume, with luxury ingredients, but at the same time it's able to offer an extremely simple and soft final result, a scent which is absolutely non-invasive, whom other people can smell only when they are very, very close to you. And people which we allow to cut down the distance so much are also those that we can tell these precious memories without being ashamed, or feeling silly cause we are upset for such a little thing, isn't that true?Personally, Karma remind me of my mother's face cream, when I was a little girl: I could smell its scent when she came to kiss me goodnight. A comfort smell: this is the first word which come to my mind. A warm, cozy scent, like a blanket on my shoulders in the middle of the winter, a pledge that tomorrow is going to come for sure, something where is nice to loose yourself - with the sureness that we can easily find a way back. That plain smell, so easy, was able to drag me directly into sleep, with an outmost confidence since then I haven't felt anymore. Another thing that made me fell deeply in love with this perfume is that it's proposed also on a stick version: it's super cheap, it's everlasting and remind me a lot of the Seventies, when solid perfumes were super cool. The scent is soft but long-lasting: just pass the stick on your wrists and neck and it's going to last all day long; indeed, when I wake up suddenly in the night I can still smell the aroma on my pillow!