Iceberg’s HeritageArt and fashion chase each other, with balance and elegance, in the collection signed by Iceberg which pays homage to the Bauhaus. In Milan, at “spazio Pelota”, with an abstract set design, is presented the Paolo Gerani’s collection, founder and artistic director of the Griffe that comes from San Giovanni in Marignano. The same colors of the background appear in a series that is repeated and marked by the rhythm. Symmetry, balance and rationalization of the forms intersect with grace and extreme precision. The primary colors do not submit to unnecessary nuanches: red, blue, yellow, perfectly approach to a collection with the predominance of black and beige.
Tradizione ed avanguardia per una collezione di grande ricerca. I motivi d’ispirazione artistica vengono ripetuti in differenti particolari: dalle camicie, sulle quali sono stampate opere di Alexander Calder, alle fantasie geometriche delle shopping bag. La maglieria, fondamentale nella storia dell’azienda, conferma l’ispirazione ai motivi stilistici della scuola d’arte applicata di Weimar. Iceberg rifiuta ogni eccesso, guarda al proprio archivio reinterpretando il presente e disegnando un uomo elegante che ama uno stile funzionale e ben riconoscibile. Benvenuta art-a-porter! Tradition and avant-garde for a very refined collection. The patterns inspired by art are repeated in different details: beginning with shirts, on which are printed Alexander Calder’s works, finishing with the geometric patterns of the shopping bag. Knitwear is basic in the history of the company and confirms to be inspired by the stylistic themes of he applied art school in Weimar. Iceberg rejects any excess, looks at its own catalogue reinterpreting the present and designing an elegant man who loves a functional and well recognizable style. Welcome to art-a-porter!
Alexander Calder - Untitled (Mobile), 1959
Immagini dal backstagePictures from the backstage
L'invito è un capolavoro
The invitation is a masterpiece