Gianni Neri e Gianni Bartalini manage the Red Fish tavern in the historical center of the town.The atmosphere inside you can feel the tipical atmosphere of the old taverns that once used to be, between the vaulted arches and the red bricks. The menu has a variety of fish and meats but the prestige of this restaurant comes from its famouse seafood dishes. The seafood is accompanied by many specialities that change by with the seasons, to offering always the very best at the right time. We visited the tavern's kitcken where Gianni Neri the chef showed us how to cook two of his specialities: the “marecaldo” and his famouse pudding “il cestino”. Watch his video interview. #vacanze-holidays-montaione#
Gianni Neri e Gianni Bartalini manage the Red Fish tavern in the historical center of the town.The atmosphere inside you can feel the tipical atmosphere of the old taverns that once used to be, between the vaulted arches and the red bricks. The menu has a variety of fish and meats but the prestige of this restaurant comes from its famouse seafood dishes. The seafood is accompanied by many specialities that change by with the seasons, to offering always the very best at the right time. We visited the tavern's kitcken where Gianni Neri the chef showed us how to cook two of his specialities: the “marecaldo” and his famouse pudding “il cestino”. Watch his video interview. #vacanze-holidays-montaione#
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