La miccia? Guardate un po' cosa sta succedendo in Bahrain

Creato il 23 febbraio 2011 da Beatotrader

Guardate un po' cosa sta succedendo in Bahrain: sparano ad altezza uomo con armi automatiche contro (supposti) Sciiti inermi che protestano....
Chissà come la stanno prendendo gli Sciiti della regione separatista dell'Arabia Saudita che controlla 1/3 del Petrolio Saudita ed 1/5 di quello Mondiale....
E' il famoso scenario nightmare....capace di portarti il Petrolio in un amen anche a 200$...con tutte le conseguenze del caso...
Ed in Arabia Saudita qualcosa si sta muovendo...nientepopodimeno che via Facebook: Giorno di Protesta Nazionale programmato per l'11 Marzo....

Uh, Oh: Saudia Arabia Heating Up
Hundreds of people have backed a Facebook campaign calling for a "day of rage" across Saudi Arabia next month to demand an elected ruler, greater freedom for women and release of political prisoners, reports Reuters.
The page called for a "revolution of yearning" on March 11 in the kingdom, the world's biggest oil exporter and which is ruled by an absolute monarchy.
Come vi spiegavo:
....Infine vi ricordo che la "chiave" per lo scenario nightmare passa per il Bahrain...

Il piccolo Regno-Isola, anch'esso in fibrillazione per gli scontri tra sciiti e sunniti, rischia di essere la miccia per la polveriera dell'Arabia Saudita.

All eyes on Bahrain as Gulf tremors frighten oil marketsda Ambrose EvansPritchard Oil analysts are paying very close attention to fast-moving events in Bahrain, fearing that clashes between the island's Sunni elite and an aggrieved Shi'ite majority could embroil the Gulf giants of Iran and Saudi Arabia.
...However, the immediate concern is that Bahrain’s troubles will either cause Saudi Arabia to step in directly, or serve as model for revolt in the kingdom’s Eastern Province nearby.
This region also has a restless Shi’ite majority, and holds a fifth of the world’s oil reserves.

...Exclusive Analysis said there is a 25pc chance that the Saudi Kingdom will disintegrate, perhaps into three states.
"We don’t think it is likely, but it will have a very big impact if it does happen," said Firas Abi Ali, the group’s Mid-East strategist....
Ed ancora:

....La fifa aleggia tra gli investitori: si parla di scenario nightmare ovvero da incubo, che si realizzerebbe se i disordini si estendessero all'Arabia Saudita, eventualità che non è possibile escludere.

Oil Shoots Higher On Libya Protests As Investors Fear 'Nightmare'
...The price of oil, a key economic indicator, has reached a level not seen since 2008, when economies plunged into recession.
Mideast unrest has already begun to affect markets in the United States, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 stock indices have stumbled.
As the price of oil shoots higher, both the national and global economic recovery could be at risk.
Experts urge calm, but are keeping a close eye. "From an objective standpoint, there is no reason to panic right now,".....
"The real nightmare scenario would be if the rebellion spread to Saudi Arabia," ...
....A disaster might only come, experts say, if protests threatened the government of Saudi Arabia, which controls backup oil reserves....


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