Magazine Lifestyle

Late summer looks: white

Creato il 26 agosto 2014 da Silverstar

Late summer looks: white
Giornate assolate e clima mite caratterizzano il periodo di fine estate, ma il bianco è il colore che più di tutti continua ad rimanere in cima alle preferenze dei look di stagione.Che il bianco, in primavera ed estate, non sia proprio una novità lo sappiamo bene. Ma è lo styling che cambia e lo rende sempre attuale. Il più neutro e luminoso dei non-colori vive una vita nuova grazie al'unione con i toni neutri ed a quelli del blu, a trasparenze, sovrapposizioni, ricami, vedo-non vedo e giochi di "sfumature" che contribuiscono a vivacizzarlo ma senza risultare troppo appariscenti. Durante tutta l'estate è stato protagonista nelle sue sfumature più luminose accanto a tinte brillanti e vitaminiche: ora si "calma" al fianco di sfumature più soft e sobrie, ma senza perder la sua verve vacanziera.
Sunny days and mild weather characterize the period of late summer, but white is the color that continues to stay on top of the preferences of the look of the season.
That white, in spring and summer, it is not so innovation, we all know well But it's the styling that changes and makes it timeless
The more neutral and bright of the non-colors live a new life thanks the combination with neutral tones and blues, with transparencies, overlays, embroidery, see throughs and nuances that contribute to make it bright but without be too flashy
Throughout the summer he starred in his lighter shades next to brilliant and vitaminic hues: now it is calmer alongside soft and sober shades, but without losing its holiday verve
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white
Late summer looks: white marinere stripesLate summer looks: white

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