Le ab-normi anomalie (versione illustrata)

Creato il 13 maggio 2013 da Beatotrader
Dalla bellissima presentazione di Jeff Gundlach
(uno dei gestori di Hedge Funds più "in palla", che da parecchi anni ne sbaglia ben poche)
ecco una selezione di slides molto significative.
Sono rappresentati alcuni concetti che spiego da tempo in questo blog: i grafici valgono più di molte parole (per chi sa leggerli...naturalmente...).
Buona visione.
(clicca sulle immagini per ingrandirle)

Buttate un occhio anche a questo articolo...
USA: Jobs Gains Are Strong, Wages Not So Much
Good time to be a waitress looking for work, hard times if you’re seeking a factory job.
Friday’s employment report was better-than-expected, with April net hiring at 165,000 and strong upward revisions to February and March. Even the drop in the jobless rate to 7.5% was “real,” meaning it came from unemployed people finding work, not from people giving up and leaving the workforce.
The April jobs report is certainly good news for the economic outlook and it offers evidence that the spring slowdown will not last into summer.
The details, however, should raise worries about the financial situation of the consumer sector.
Simply put, the jobs being created are mostly not high-paying, and businesses are relying more on part-timers and temporary help rather than putting on full-time staff................

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