Magazine Lifestyle
Buona Giornata!
Happy Monday to everyone!
How did you spend the weekend?
The snow has arrived and turned everything into a fairytale landscape, what I like!
We come to us, today's post wants to tell the story of Thomas asylum,
the son of my followers that Lisa wrote me to tell me about the initiative of the school and Christmas
I am so impressed to want to make a post!
I'll let her speak that tells very well and with enthusiasm on his blog,
I leave you some pictures and
a thought:
it's nice to know that in today's society there are still schools where children are protected,
there are still teachers who teach the true values and the important things in life, such as sharing, love the neighbor, and the true meaning of Christmas!
Unfortunately, today, these initiatives remain restricted and are not sponsored,
you only hear about bullying, negative teachers and schools do not teach anything,
this is not true
and with this post I would like to throw a stone into the sea!
To read the story go to:
Have a nice day!
Photo by
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